Another guest ale. This one is a Doppelbock from @UKSkydiver at 5.5%
As I poured this one I was hit with the aromas of chocolatey roasty malt and caramel. The chocolate malt is punching above it’s weight here as it’s only 1.5% of the grain bill.
The beer is a deep red-brown colour and is perfectly clear when held to the light. The light tan coloured head quickly fell back to a ring of bubbles around the glass and then held the line.
The punchy chocolate aroma on pouring has backed off a little as I taste the beer. The flavour is rich dark malt like chewing a dark malted bread crust, there’s a subtle hint of prune, and a touch of alcohol but not strong. Soft, smooth mouthfeel and good medium-full body. Just a touch of tackiness on my lips from the higher gravity finish. Bitterness is mild. No off-flavours.
Another lovely beer, thank you!
As I poured this one I was hit with the aromas of chocolatey roasty malt and caramel. The chocolate malt is punching above it’s weight here as it’s only 1.5% of the grain bill.
The beer is a deep red-brown colour and is perfectly clear when held to the light. The light tan coloured head quickly fell back to a ring of bubbles around the glass and then held the line.

The punchy chocolate aroma on pouring has backed off a little as I taste the beer. The flavour is rich dark malt like chewing a dark malted bread crust, there’s a subtle hint of prune, and a touch of alcohol but not strong. Soft, smooth mouthfeel and good medium-full body. Just a touch of tackiness on my lips from the higher gravity finish. Bitterness is mild. No off-flavours.
Another lovely beer, thank you!