Would you still vote for Brexit?

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If you voted Yes to Brexit would you still do so?

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I mean you can speculate, based on the respective positions of the two sides. That is what adults are capable of doing, with some rational thought. I do however appreciate that quitlings have never applied rational thought to the mess we are currently in.

Why do you have to resort to the childish name calling instead of quitlings (or gullible as posted earlier) why not show some respect for the side that won the vote and call them leavers i am growing tired of the lack of respect you show to fellow members its nothing more than sour grapes.
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Just looked up the definition of Quitling in the Urban Dictionary

Person who chooses to treasonously quit an important project, namely the European Union, in Nazi Quisling fashion due to their own ignorance, racism, xenophobia, misplaced selfishness and general belief that their own failings must be someone else’s fault.
Not a nice thing to call someone
Analysis box by Katya Adler, Europe editor

What does it mean in Brexit trade deal terms "to go the extra mile"?

That's the distance the UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, and the European Commission chief, Ursula von der Leyen, have promised to travel over the next days.

But will the road take them to deal or no-deal? And who will compromise on what to get there?

EU contacts close to the talks say both sides are being constructive. They insist negotiations aren't simply continuing because neither the EU, nor the government want to be blamed in a no-deal scenario and prefer not to walk away first.

Remember: what's said in front of the cameras is only part of the picture.

We aren't behind the scenes in the negotiating room or on the closed calls between Mr Johnson and Ms von der Leyen.

But however long these talks rumble on, ultimately neither the government, nor the EU, will sign up to a deal if they can't claim it as a victory.
Negotiators for the UK and EU have restarted talks over a post-Brexit trade deal as they search for a breakthrough in securing an agreement.

It comes after the two sides decided on Sunday there had been enough progress for negotiations to continue.

PM Boris Johnson has warned the sides remain "very far apart" in key areas, but "where there's life there's hope".

Time is fast running out to finalise an agreement before the UK's Brexit transition ends in just over two weeks.

The decision to keep talking came after Mr Johnson discussed the main sticking points with EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Sunday.

A new deadline for a decision has not been set - but the ultimate deadline comes on 31 December, when the UK stops following EU trading rules.

Without a trade deal in place by then, the two sides would begin trading on World Trade Organization (WTO) terms, meaning taxes - or tariffs - would be introduced, potentially raising the cost of imported goods such as food.

Fishing rights, "level playing field" rules on how far the UK should be able to diverge from EU laws, and how any agreement should be policed remain the major stumbling blocks.

The EU's chief negotiator Michel Barnier has resumed talks with his UK counterpart Lord Frost, after briefing ambassadors of EU member states.

According to an EU source, Mr Barnier is believed to have told them talks over a level playing field remained hard, but were moving towards an agreement.

He is also said to have told them a wider deal could fall into place if a route towards an agreement on fishing rights can be identified.

Full article - Brexit: UK and EU restart trade talks after leaders' call
Just looked up the definition of Quitling in the Urban Dictionary

Person who chooses to treasonously quit an important project, namely the European Union, in Nazi Quisling fashion due to their own ignorance, racism, xenophobia, misplaced selfishness and general belief that their own failings must be someone else’s fault.

Not a nice thing to call someone

Spot on Baron i didn't google it so didn't know the words full meaning, i hope Hanglow was in the same boat and was using the word in the same manner i read it as Quitters.
I mean you can speculate, based on the respective positions of the two sides. That is what adults are capable of doing, with some rational thought. I do however appreciate that quitlings have never applied rational thought to the mess we are currently in.
Band around some insults and predict the future. 2 own goals
Spot on Baron i didn't google it so didn't know the words full meaning, i hope Hanglow was in the same boat and was using the word in the same manner i read it as Quitters.
I think it was intentful. Not a typo. Maybe did not understand the full meaning of the word. At least I hope so
Wasn't there a furore in parliament not so long ago by an MP using the word quitling?
That was the first time I had heard that word, unless I am getting mixed up with some of Paul Keatings insults.
All this talk of winners and losers and perceived winners and losers is nothing but smoke and mirrors now that the deed is done. Ask yourself who stands to gain by the weakening or breakup of the European Union.
I'm not referring to remainers or leavers, nor the UK or EU. Which foreign power stands to gain?
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The thread is full of reasons why we will be better off the billions we won't be giving away being one of them, remainers will never agree with the leavers but it doesn't matter the leavers won remainers can moan all they like it's not going to change anything.
I can't tell if you're joking or not
Not joking at all. Macron also doesn't realise yet that he's heading for zero fishing rights. There seems be be a misconception that the EU is the only place we buy food and the prices will be hiked. Let's not forget the tariffs put on non EU food. Our food prices call fall dramatically and hopefully we will learn not to buy EU goods unless necessary. Leaving on a WTO will be the start of a stronger UK.
All this talk of winners and losers and perceived winners and losers is nothing but smoke and mirrors now that the deed is done. Ask yourself who stands to gain by the weakening or breakup of the European Union.
The biggest threats to the EU are of it's own making. Its strategy all along is summarised by one of its founders Jean Monnet who is quoted on attached picture. The best example of this is the single currency which was introduced as a blunt instrument to force federalisation and if anything that has taken matters backwards as Italy in particular illustrates. I know nothing about economics but Joseph Stiglitz is a world renowned economist whose 369 page book on the euro makes fascinating and rather frightening reading.
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