Would you still vote for Brexit?

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If you voted Yes to Brexit would you still do so?

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I was expressing things briefly and trying to avoid getting into a constitutional law essay and yes, of course, SIs go before a committee but do not go through Parliament in the way most people understand that by e.g. involving open debate on the floor and the consequent publicity. Putting this in current jargon the procedure is hardly "transparent".
You also forgot to mention that Statutory Instruments derive from a specific Act of Parliament that does go through the full parliamentary process and which specifically authorises a Minister to issue regulations if they comply with the terms set out in the Act. The whole process is transparent and you can watch some of the committee proceedings on the telly.
You also forgot to mention that Statutory Instruments derive from a specific Act of Parliament that does go through the full parliamentary process and which specifically authorises a Minister to issue regulations if they comply with the terms set out in the Act. The whole process is transparent and you can watch some of the committee proceedings on the telly.
I can only forget to mention things I know. Are you saying that every one of the thousands of SIs incorporating EU law goes through full Parliamentary scrutiny by a prior enabling Act?
I can only forget to mention things I know. Are you saying that every one of the thousands of SIs incorporating EU law goes through full Parliamentary scrutiny by a prior enabling Act?
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Please do not be offended, it is just a joke, to lighten the mood.

I am sure you have from the opposite point of view too

Please do not be offended, it is just a joke, to lighten the mood.

I am sure you have from the opposite point of view too

View attachment 37543
I have no idea whether it is true but I have heard it said that in one or two EU countries Britain has been called "Treasure Island". I seem to remember this has been attributed to the Germans with reference to their car industry though I must emphasise I am not stating this as fact but do wonder whether anyone else has heard this and if it is fact or something put about by Leavers.
Under reciprocal health care UK saved millions on the costs of the ex-Pats living in Spain. Not only is it better than ours, it's cheaper.
I surprised this topic has not be scrapped yet, all similar ones usually ended up in huge arguments.

By the way EU has already replaced trade the would loose with UK leaving the single market.
We will still buy German card or where ever they are produced in EU - as if with tariffs they will be probably cheaper that transporting cars from Asia/US. This is especially right for upper marker cars like BMW/Audi/Merc.
Didn't vote, because as Polish citizen wasn't allowed. Now I'm British citizen and would vote against Brexit. Based mostly on how many companies already left UK, even the big Brexit supporters like Dyson.
I surprised this topic has not be scrapped yet, all similar ones usually ended up in huge arguments.

By the way EU has already replaced trade the would loose with UK leaving the single market.
We will still buy German card or where ever they are produced in EU - as if with tariffs they will be probably cheaper that transporting cars from Asia/US. This is especially right for upper marker cars like BMW/Audi/Merc.
Didn't vote, because as Polish citizen wasn't allowed. Now I'm British citizen and would vote against Brexit. Based mostly on how many companies already left UK, even the big Brexit supporters like Dyson.

Source? Sweeping statements like this are not convincing.

The UK is the 3rd biggest EU market.
Source? Sweeping statements like this are not convincing.

The UK is the 3rd biggest EU market.

Trade Agreement signed:

EU-Vietnam 30th June 2019 (UK rolled over this agreement, after EU has negotiated it)
EU-Singapore 13th Feb 2019 (UK rolled over this agreement, after EU has negotiated it)
EU-Canada 21st Sept 2017 (UK rolled over this agreement, after EU has negotiated it) €72 billion in goods, €35 billion in services
EU-Japan 1st Feb 2020 (UK almost replicated the EU agreement, apart from that on good we can only use quotas not used by EU LINK) €135 billion in goods €53 billion in services
EU-Mercosur - 28 June 2019 (UK didn't sign any agreement yet) €88 billion in goods €34 billion in services

All of EU export to UK in 2019 were £374 (source ) -the numbers I have mentioned above come to 417 billions of euro (£379bliions) this doesn't include Singapore and Vietnam deals values. So EU have already replaced value in UK Trade since Brexit vote. Mind you there still will be trade between UK and EU, deal or no deal, there just might be tariffs to pay.

I have no evidence that British will still buy the German cars, but this is my belief.
Mr Dyson moved his HQ to Singapore (LINK) - meaning he will pay his company taxes over there, not in the UK - our loss.
Other companies that left UK or moved production/assets: Honda, Barclays, HSBC - just to mention a few - nice article here: LINK
And another good one: LINK based on this LINK

These are the reasons I would vote against Brexit. Oh and no more Erasmus programme and no easy way to move and work in EU countries.

Not here to argue, I fully respect the vote, and hope we will get trade deal. Leave vote won the referendum, but I believe what is being delivered today is not what was promised before the referendum.
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Thank you

Observations: For example, The EU Canada deal took 7 years to negotiate and was over 20 years of discussion. (Reality check: will it take 10 years to do a UK-EU trade deal post Brexit?) So not fair to say that is replacing, it was already in play.

Dyson moved vacuum cleaning production to Malaysia in 2002 I think. I suggest it is cheaper for Dyson costs in that way, so not really say a clear cut "UK Loss" when wages were being paid there for manufacturing not wages for manufacturing them in the UK.

HSBC is global Chinese bank, Honda are Japanese, and like a lot of companies, not least the one I work, for moved headquarters to the UK because it was advantageous for their tax payments. Globalisation etc....there would soon as move again if it suited them

What do you mean by "UK rolled over this agreement" please?

I believe the UK will be a towering light of innovation and sciences outside the EU. There is a lot to hope for. the danger is that half of society thinks it is impossible and damages the opportunity indeed the British identity in this area. It will take the country to make it work or destroy it. I choose to sign up to making it work
What do you mean by "UK rolled over this agreement" please?
I mean that text of agreement was basically copied and pasted from what EU has negotiated. They as well are called continuity agreements.
HSBC is global Chinese bank
I think HSBC would be very upset with you:
From Wikipedia: HSBC Bank plc is a British multinational banking and financial services organisation.

Yes companies moved away, as you said it suit them better to move away, as in their opinion Brexit is not good for their business - so you just confirmed my point. Thanks

I really hope you are right, I really do. This is my home and my adopted country I want it to prosper. I believe in close cooperation, not barriers. And Brexit will put lots of barriers.
I believe the UK will be a towering light of innovation and sciences outside the EU. There is a lot to hope for. the danger is that half of society thinks it is impossible and damages the opportunity indeed the British identity in this area. It will take the country to make it work or destroy it. I choose to sign up to making it work
I, for one would love to see that happen, but I don't see any initiatives to put it in place. Who's going to replace the Eastern European tradesmen? Where are the courses and apprenticeships to train up our own lads? Where are the places in medical school to make British doctors for British hospitals? Why are we still head-hunting nurses in countries that need them most?
We've had four years to start planning for this day. Your and my signing up to make this work is all very laudable, but it needs some will from the top.
Thank you

Observations: For example, The EU Canada deal took 7 years to negotiate and was over 20 years of discussion. (Reality check: will it take 10 years to do a UK-EU trade deal post Brexit?) So not fair to say that is replacing, it was already in play.

Dyson moved vacuum cleaning production to Malaysia in 2002 I think. I suggest it is cheaper for Dyson costs in that way, so not really say a clear cut "UK Loss" when wages were being paid there for manufacturing not wages for manufacturing them in the UK.

HSBC is global Chinese bank, Honda are Japanese, and like a lot of companies, not least the one I work, for moved headquarters to the UK because it was advantageous for their tax payments. Globalisation etc....there would soon as move again if it suited them

What do you mean by "UK rolled over this agreement" please?

I believe the UK will be a towering light of innovation and sciences outside the EU. There is a lot to hope for. the danger is that half of society thinks it is impossible and damages the opportunity indeed the British identity in this area. It will take the country to make it work or destroy it. I choose to sign up to making it work
Now I'm British citizen and would vote against Brexit. Based mostly on how many companies already left UK, even the big Brexit supporters like Dyson.
Interesting. So Mr Dyson relocated various operations to where, exactly? Some eu place?
I have no idea whether it is true but I have heard it said that in one or two EU countries Britain has been called "Treasure Island". I seem to remember this has been attributed to the Germans with reference to their car industry though I must emphasise I am not stating this as fact but do wonder whether anyone else has heard this and if it is fact or something put about by Leavers.
I spend a lot of time in Munich and I've never heard Treasure Island.
I hear Inselaffen occasionally, sometimes seriously but usually when Germans are trying to be funny. In fact, I often refer to 'The Island' when I present to a German group and they know I'm onto their little joke :)
What your final paragraph means firstly is that it’s all going to be a colossal leap of faith (I believe...there is a lot to hope for), it also implies that if it all goes horribly wrong, the people who will have to carry the can are the ones who said it was a stupid idea in the first place.
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