I enjoy brew days, I never really have any issues cleaning stuff and I have things pretty well organised now.
I've always been good at thinking on my feet and getting things organised as I work, I naturally think ahead without needing to really plan much more than making sure I have the consumables in stock!
The thing with brewing is it feels natural, I feel like a pro, like I know exactly what I'm doing. That might not necessarily be the case, but when you feel like a pro there's satisfaction and pride of work to be taken in every aspect of the process.
On the subject of bottling, I have a bottle tree sat in the corner in my kitchen, I wash as I empty bottles, when the tree has fruited I empty it and rinse the bottles with starsan through a bottle rinser (trust me, buy one.)
Then to bottle I have a racking cane, bottling wand and bench capper.
With this equipment bottling is a breeze.
I much prefer bottles to kegs, nice to be able to stick a couple in the fridge to chill, and no worries about loss of carb.