Cleaning up, bottling and constantly getting bollocked for 'being in the shed again!'
Cleaning the bottles.
Surprisingly I don't get bollocked for being in the shed. I think she prefers it when I am in the shed.

Cleaning up, bottling and constantly getting bollocked for 'being in the shed again!'
Just had a fiddle with my propane burner. The silver sleeve thing was completely covering the air vent, opened it out a bit and hey presto, nice blue flames with orange tips as described above.
I can now look forward to not dying when I next brew, and having survived, not having to clean tons of soot off my pot.
Which means to bring us back to the original post, I need a new thing to like least about brewing.
I've decided it's not knowing how to use my equipment properly.
Thanks to all above for the tip off.
I enjoy everything, including bottling, cleaning bottles and cleaning up!
I just like being in the brewing zone, away from everything else! Preparing and filling bottles is part of the process that leads to the final product. Embrace it! Rows of freshly capped bottles are a thing of great beauty and pride! And cleaning up recreates order and sets you up for next time, so relax and enjoy the time to yourself, being productive in a brewing sense.:thumb:
Worst thing for me is flies. So I prefer brewing in winter when there isn't any about.
I didn't know fruit flies existed until i started home brewing, i hate the little *******, last year i made a trap i got a few but there always seems to be one flying around on brew days.
I hate bottling, I don't mind the filling but the cleaning and rinsing drives me insane. Could be my ocd does not help.
lifting the fv with 22 litres of wort/beer in it.
not good if you have a bad back :-(
As a wine maker rather than a beer brewer, the only thing that bugs me is the initial smell in the fermenter. Its OK when its under way and in DJ's but there is no mistaking that initial pong!
Lifting my FV with 45 litres into and out of the fridge and high enough to syphon, A series of lifts are needed to prevent injuries.
Sharing one of your finest brews with a mate and they say "yeah it's fine - but I'm not much of a beer drinker anyway" Grrrrrrr ......