What's your least favourite thing about brewing?

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Cleaning and waiting.
Cleaning fermenters and bottles is a pita!
Waiting for fermentation is not to bad, but the conditioning wait is bad. You can see the bottle, hold the bottle, but can't open it.

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Washing and steralising all the equipment. I have hated washing up since I was forced to do it from way to young, I was about 4 I think.
I enjoy everything, including bottling, cleaning bottles and cleaning up!

I just like being in the brewing zone, away from everything else! Preparing and filling bottles is part of the process that leads to the final product. Embrace it! Rows of freshly capped bottles are a thing of great beauty and pride! And cleaning up recreates order and sets you up for next time, so relax and enjoy the time to yourself, being productive in a brewing sense.:thumb:

Couldn't have summed it up better !! I hate when I don't have enough time and have to rush things...

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