Whats everyone drinking?

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There's something very satisfying at getting slightly tipsy on your own produce. First time brewer, sitting enjoying a few bottles of Coopers stout, with the occasional WOW thrown in for good measure. Watching all of today's brews getting started bubbling away, looking forward to trying those as well.
Drinking just water during the week trying to lose some weight :eek:
Looking forward to the weekend where I have the last 4 bottles of Wilko Pilsner that turned out nice and then a Hoppy Copper that is improving each week.
Building a stash now so that beers will have more time conditioning which can only be a good thing!
Kir Normande: Aldi's unexpectedly drinkable cheapo cider, with a shot (and a bit) of creme de cassis.

The cider is 99p for a 1pint bottle, 26p less than I'd pay for an empty 500ml bottle from my LHBS. I call that a good deal :lol:
out of drinkable ale or cider so got a glass of beetroot wow very nice but still young only been in the bottle a month
picked up a mini keg of norfolk kiwi . so few pint of a nice light ale is called for tonight :drink: its going down nice and easy
Got some homebrewed amarillo APA ready for when I get home.

Hope everone has a plenty of cold ones in stock for the weekend, its going to be a hot one :drink:
Having a nice cup of tea, Andys Golden Ale (elderflower cordial primed) chilling in fridge for later :whistle:
two pints of Old Speckled Hen from a corny.........brilliant drink.
Tonight will be drinking Coopers Australian Lager(SWMBO) and me, Coopers Bitter. Both rather good. We also have on the go for a non-beer drinking friend, Wilko Fruity Pinot Grigio. Rather pleasant that one.
My wines and cider aren't ready yet, so I've got the wife to pick me up a bottle of red from Marks'ys :D
Thought I'd add my tuppence to an almost dead thread...

Alas, since I have only just started my first ever brew (a cherry wine kit from Wilko, probably be ****, already planning a real brew, mead!), I'm drinking teh fruits of someone else's labour.

Namely, a fine bottle of Moniack Mead. Best mead in the shops :) And it even comes from Scotland!
I'm drinking my home brew beers !

Various brews, Old Speckled Hen, Fursty Ferret,TTL, Piddles Ale, Kingsdown Ale, AG Wherry, Big Kenny, Black Sheep, all in bottles.
Golden Delicious and Felinfoel Double Dragon on draught. will soon be able to sample some Makeson as well

However I've just acquired a taste for Capt. Morgans Spiced Rum, a very nice bedtime tipple.....
Various brews, Old Speckled Hen, Fursty Ferret,TTL, Piddles Ale, Kingsdown Ale, AG Wherry, Big Kenny, Black Sheep, all in bottles.
Golden Delicious and Felinfoel Double Dragon on draught. will soon be able to sample some Makeson as well
That's some list :hat: :mrgreen: ...good man that man :clap:
It's hard going V...........................but someones got to do it.
Probably some sort of generic beer at the Chinese, then my Dark wherry after that. (Its quite nice)
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