Whats everyone drinking?

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Just had a 26 year old bottle of stingo dark barley wine, still surprisingly drinkable.
( Last night )
My last bottle of St Peters Red Ruby Ale. made July 2012.
Sad to see it end. :(
half pint of Nutty Rauch brown as it got put into secondary.... :grin:

not bad at all
Brupaks Almondbury Old Dark Ale, it's about 10 weeks in the bottle now and I have to say, has turned out rather deliciously tangy, with a good head and decent body. The sediment has stuck fast to the bottom so it's clear, despite being so dark. One of my best kit brews! :thumb:
a bottle of tc brewed about 6 weeks ago found in the when i was moving some bottles about. been in the fridge all day and is so nice after a day out in the sun.
a bottle of TC brewed a year ago!!! It's quite pleasant really apart from...


...it's finished... :(
I've just finished a stupidly long week at work (55 hours in 5 days including gettjbv up at 5am everyday) I treated myself to some JD, lemonade and lime.

One good thing about this week though, I managed to stock up my spirit cupboard a bit thanks to airport duty free shops!
Had a couple of friends over...
Started with a bottle of sparkling they brought, seemed to make sense to go on to the lemon wine spritzered with sodastreamed plain water, with a chocolate dessert the obvious choice was the coffee wine mixed with cream soda, then a mixed berry wine I made last year, then various flavoured vodkas either straight or mixed with cream soda, and a bit of my spiced golden syrup notmead.
They've gone for their train. Will probably have a rum nightcap to help me though today's killersudokuonline, which I've stuffed up twice already
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