Wednesday evening SWMBO and the two female offspring disappear in a cackling heap to go and do some weird dance thing (Zhoom -whatever the feck that might be). I do tea - on this occasion my renowned Sweet and Sour (secret sauce recipe available on request). Having identified a chronic shortage of cornflower (there was some more in a random cupboard but I didn't know that) I whizzed down to Aldi for a box.
I happened to peruse the beer section (as you do) and decided to pick a bottle to help the cooking process along. I espied Courage Best at 99p and realised I couldn't for the life of me remember when I'd last supped Courage Best, so I snagged a bottle.
Once poured I took a slug and was immediately transported back to 1983-84. South London, a grotty flat, a cracking local boozer (The Bell - RIP , pictures here ... ondon.html) and a

...ahem, rather well built and (very) accommodating young lady called Sarah (short pause for happy memories). Suffice to say I rather enjoyed my pint of CB and may well revisit the brew, along with my memories.