Whats everyone drinking?

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5pm : Leffe Blonde
5:30pm : Another Leffe Blonde

I hate shopping - this was my reward

I may kick this evening of with a review of one of Alemans or JP's beers :D
Tesco's finest IPA again :cool: . I keep going on about it, but don't take my word for it..try it...you will be pleasantly surprised ;)
It's close to eclipsing Youngs Special London for me.
The problem with the Youngs is that the batches are very hit and miss nowadays regards taste.
I reported a dodgy 'soapy' tasting batch to them a while ago...but one of the new batches is also suffering from the same problem :cry:
I'm currently supping Downton Chimera IPA a 7% monster. I am waiting for a keg a polypin and a few bottles to sterilise so I figured I'd kill some time with this "sipper".

Incidentally our HR department have decided to buy me a large case of beer :party: for a bunch of work I've done for them "over and above" the call of duty this beer will definately be featuring in the case! I'll be getting it myself and charging it to their cost centre though, wouldn't want to end up with a slab of c*rling now would I :whistle:
It's superb, Johnny from the Ale Cellar talked me into buying a bottle a few weeks back and he's now trying to get me to brew a batch so I can drop him some round.

He's a friendly chap who knows his onions so I'm giving serious thought to doing a brew parti-gyle style and using the first runnings for a traditional IPA and the rest for a middle of the road bitter.
:clap: Nice one JP - maybe you could ask them to pay back travel expenses to go collect the bottles?


Wez said:
:clap: Nice one JP - maybe you could ask them to pay back travel expenses to go collect the bottles?



I was thinking of Bavaria, I've got a bit of a wheat beer boner at the moment :lol:

I could be off to Romania on business shortly too, do they do beer or is it all wine and bad dreams?
Never been into an Aldi before today, the Mrs got some food and stuff I think :? I got these:


Left to right...

'own brand*' Golden Pale Ale
'own brand*' XB English Ale
Batemans Autumn Fall
Wychwood - White Wych
Wychwood - Black Wych

Prices were pretty good - £1.09 to £1.39

*Their own brand is brewed by Batemans also, I have tried their XB from the cask - it was awesome - be interesting how well it survives bottling
I went to Romania a few years back...it's mainly wine.
The Germans are big over there, so as always, there's a lot of fizzy lager...when all else fails.
The wine is actually very good. We took in a couple of vinyards....Murfatlar springs to mind as one.
The wine was fantastic but it doesn't travel well so it's not widely available outside Romania.
Sprirts are very popular, but according to the season, they price can vary greatly.
The plum brandy is very good, they use a souped up version in their cars as antifreeze in the winter :shock: :cool:

When we arrived a bottle of vodka was 33p, when we left it was over £3 (2 week holiday).

Watch out for the prozzies in hotel receptions. One minute they're talking to you, next minute, when they know you're not interested, they hit themselves and throw themselves to the floor....claiming you assaulted them...but they won't call the police....for a price :lol: :lol: ....as a senior citizen found out on our trip :whistle:
Cheers for the heads up there Vossy, I'll see if I have space for a case of wine in my laptop bag.

Wez - White Wych is stunning on cask if you ever get to try it. I may have to scoot into Aldi tomorrow on my way home from work to see if they have any bottles.
I'm having a night off, drinking Hot Chocolate :roll:
Bernard Cerne Pivo

I only bought it for the bottle (Brown 500ml Swingtop) . . . and so that I could get some Cash back from T*scos . . . I really should throw the contents down the sink, but I need to check for infections as the bottles might require sanitising ;D
Vossy1 said:
I really should throw the contents down the sink, but I need to check for infections as the bottles might require sanitising ;D

What's that new fangled idea all about...non pasteurized beer...honestly :lol:

I'm thinking about trying to reculture the yeast, not that I've seen any settle out on the base of the bottle . . . I suppose I'll have to buy some more just to check ;)
My will to not drink anything in the week lasted until Tuesday....again (ah-well)

A refreshing bottle of something I won't mention and now a swift bitter while I wait for my water to cool to split my yeast, and mess with flames...oh no.
i'm pissed as a fart on Wasp Stinger after only three pints in quick succession :lol: :lol: :lol:

this stuff is fekkin gorgeous :D
Moorlands Hens Tooth 6.5%. 3 for £4 at Tosco. Bottled conditioned. Wondered if it is primary strain yeast only i've just chucked it in 100grms of cooled boiled DME.
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