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This Samuel Smiths Oatmeal Stout is superb smooth, full of flavour with a surprisingly light and not at all cloying finish.

Vossy - would you be so kind as to post your Oatmeal Stout Recipe on the forum please (please, go on) :D
Wow! The Black Isle - Red Kite Ale is a great beer :drink: lovely amber colour pretty sure I'm getting styrians but not 100% :hmm: not too bitter nice and light - turned out to be a good shopping trip that!

:party: :drink:
This Samuel Smiths Oatmeal Stout is superb smooth, full of flavour with a surprisingly light and not at all cloying finish.
Vossy - would you be so kind as to post your Oatmeal Stout Recipe on the forum please (please, go on)

Will do ;)...though it is directly taken from Clone Brews ...I will be brewing this soon so might do it as a brew day. I didn't like the bottled version as much as my own (I tasted my own first)...though I could tell they were the same beer....and it's a monster.
I'm very fussy about stouts, and I don't like roasted flavours at all. I was expecting it to be a long hard trawl to find a home brew stout that I'd like :?

I could quite happily drink this stout for the rest of my days :cool:
I know what you mean about roasties, remember that brewday I came up for, the Blue Cheese in my Porter - I had a bottle of Wychwood Black Wych tonight and it may as well have said Brewed in Stilton :shock: then followed it with the SS Oatmeal and it was such a difference :D I'll be keen to brew the SS to see if I can get a cheese free stout :cool:
Wez did you really taste blue in the black wych?

BTW if you have a Sainsbury's near by try the Meantime London Porter....no seriously...try it.....I mean it.
It aint cheap but IMO it's absolutely fantastic. I rarely try a brew that I wish to drink to the end of my days, but this is one of them. I can believe this is based on a old recipe as I've never tasted anything like it...it's quite special

Don't try it and miss out ;)

I do like their Porter - it's a great beer :cool:

Black Wych - yep blue cheese 100% did the old swish it round your teeth trick to be certain ;) I was looking for the TUC biscuits afterwards :grin:
I've rallied round after having a day feeling.....a bit tired :oops:

No work tomorrow so may as well pull a few pints of Swift Bitter :drink:
Wez said:
I've rallied round after having a day feeling.....a bit tired :oops:

No work tomorrow so may as well pull a few pints of Swift Bitter :drink:

Go for it Wez, can't have any tonight, i'm on at 5 am in the morning. Just put the bins out and this always spoils my weekend, reminds me of work the next day.

Still 2 years to go and f*** the lot of them.
jonnybeer said:
Still 2 years to go and f*** the lot of them.

:clap: :clap: nice one JB :grin:

I've got another 31 years to go :shock: :cry:
jonnybeer said:
Wez said:
I've rallied round after having a day feeling.....a bit tired :oops:

No work tomorrow so may as well pull a few pints of Swift Bitter :drink:

Still 2 years to go and f*** the lot of them.

JB I said that 46 years ago. It worked :!:
i've had two pints of my 5.7% rauchbier on an empty stomach and i'm absolutely smashed! :drunk:

this stuff turned out lovely. I remember a rauchbier I had at a fest and it was way too smokey.

this one is just enough smokeyness to be noticeable, but not overpowering. the hallertauer compliment it perfectly :D

I bottled 10 bottles from what was left in the fermener when racking. if anyone wants me to include it with my group brew when we post them, let me know :D that's also stands for my wasp stinger too but that will be bottled form the tap though as I didnt have any leftovers from racking ;)
I found my Rauchbier a bit to nice, i drank it pretty fast :oops:
I bought 2.5kg of Rauchmaltz off Bugno i liked it so much, i'm gonna make a stout and include it in the grains, do you think 1.5kg will come through in a stout Stew?
that's a bloody good idea mate!

I might try that in the next installment of Genius as that uses the germen NB hops ;)
I reckon 1.5kg will compliment any roasted malt you chuck in, that's for sure :) but I dont think you want to overpower the roasted otherwise it won't be a stout! hehe

i'm gunna do another rauch, this time using 2kg to see how if comes out. I can't remember who posted it, but someone has a recipe on here with more than 50% rauch IIRC

go for it! :D it's good stuff innit? :D
It is great stuff and the whole reason i'm only upping the rauchmaltz is just to be strong enough to be noticed with the roasted malts, i don't think it's possible to overpower roasted malts
what hops are you going for?

I can recommend both hallertauer and northern brewer, but i'd say halertauer is a lot more subtle but then again you know i'm biased toward NB for stouts ;)
I didn't plan that far but i have some hallertauer in the fridge and i've never tried them before so i may give them a go :hmm: :thumb:
supping a bottled Harvest Gold, my pale ale with Cascade and Bobeks, I've had reports that this is one of my best :D I wonder if the kegged version will be any good when I tap it next week :pray: :hmm:
BrewStew said:
I can't remember who posted it, but someone has a recipe on here with more than 50% rauch IIRC

Not quite, but I did use Rauch as the base malt (around 45% IIRC), Wez quite enjoyed that one IIRC.

IMO If you are making a rauchbier you just can't overdo the rauch ;) :D
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