what wines & beers have you got maturing

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Just started 2 gallons of LiDL,vitafit multivitamin mixed fruit juice,wine :D
for less than a £5 :shock:
I have used red grape juice this time, it's looking good. :thumb:
Still have plenty of beer about 70 odd pints to drink but have a few kits to drink. Just put on 2 6 bottle California connoisseur kits, Zinfandel blush & chardonnay semillon.
After my kits are used up it will be a foray into the dark and mysterious world of
A.G. :cheers:
This time i have started 2 gallons of pearl barley wine using 2lt of white grape juice
instead of using 1kg of raisins, it's fermenting very nicely :D :thumb:
5 gallons of wherry in keg not ready to drink yet.
5 gallons of Young's lager been in keg three weeks so should be ready the week end to drink
started two gallons of fruit juice wine, the fruit juice is from LiDL
( plein sud Ace vitamin-getrank )
1 gallon for only £2.63 :eek:
it's fermenting very well :thumb: :D
Rose wine 2 gallons of £5.00. :thumb:
ingredients makes 1 gallon.
1lt-5 alive tropical fruit blend juice.
1lt-red grape juice.
1tsp-GP wine yeast compound.

This turns out a very nice :drink: :cheers:
5lt plum wine
10lt blackberry wine
couple of bottles of solomon grundy (some apricot & some rose)
1 bottle sultana wine from 2010
4.5lt California Connoisseur Merlot
4.5lt Selection Pinotage
23lt Selection Shiraz Cab (& 8 bottles from last year)
23lt Selection Chardonnay Semillion
1x KK of AG Old Peculier
1X KK AG Woodefordes Phoenix
1x Minikeg AG Wadworth 6x
2x Minikeg AG Sarah Hughes & a few bottles
1/2 minikeg Galaxy SMASH
21lt AG lager
23lt of Galaxy SMASH to keg at the weekend
I have 40 pints of john bull lager maturing in the keg as well as 2 gallons of Del monte super
fruits juice,red wine,fermenting away already :thumb:
:hmm: i might start a EDME lager kit next time. :cheers:
A young's 40 pint bitter kit only £10.00 maturing in the barrel :thumb:
as well as 2 gallons of pineapple juice and orange&carrot juice wine,fermenting away in the demijohns :D
STOP RIGHT THERE!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:


Oldstout is reading the equivalent of lots of willy waving here, and a lot of it from folks who have NOT partaken in his 'Show us your stash' threads :whistle:

It's all too easy saying you're brewing this and that, what we actually want to do is SEE it :lol: :lol: :thumb:

Get ya cameras out..... :thumb:

Get over to my threads...... :roll:



*apologies to original poster for hijacking this thread*

But haway............... :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :mrgreen:

It's nee good just talking a good job man :lol: :lol: :lol:
Get ya pics up!!! :party: :party: :party:


Just some pics of my beer & wine maturing and fermenting :D




and this one is coffee wine,will be ready to drink at weekend :cheers:

Impressive wildbrew :thumb:

Get ya pics on my threads though for maximum exposure :lol: ;)
