What kit beer are you drinking tonight?

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Just trying a Festival Golden Stag, only bottled it 2 weeks ago so still young but very nice, no twang with this one and may improve a little with conditioning but its fine as it is.I much prefer the hoppy pale ales so really pleased with this, good health everyone, cheersacheers.
My wife is away this weekend and I’ve got to say, I have been an absolute God at home. Lawns cut, shower grouted and sealed with mastic, garden borders weeded, shirts ironed and kitchen floor tiles cleaned. My evenings have centered around decent food and my Juicy Session IPA and tonight is no different. It’s a cracking pint.

Going to order a new kit this week and will stick with Mangrove Jacks. Undecided between the American IPA and the Simcoe IPA.
My wife is away this weekend and I’ve got to say, I have been an absolute God at home. Lawns cut, shower grouted and sealed with mastic, garden borders weeded, shirts ironed and kitchen floor tiles cleaned. My evenings have centered around decent food and my Juicy Session IPA and tonight is no different. It’s a cracking pint.

Going to order a new kit this week and will stick with Mangrove Jacks. Undecided between the American IPA and the Simcoe IPA.

Big brownie points for you mate! athumb..
I've got a batch of MJ American pale ale conditioning at the moment. Can't wait to try it 😁
Well impromptu visit from the in laws this weekend and I’ve polished off 35 bottles of MJ juicy ipa and Nearly all my festival weiss and 8 litres of TC 😞.... opportunity for more brewing I think!

Wilko hoppy copper bitter..getting better from being In bottle a few weeks, much clearer now, twang faded, very drinkable and confidence is restored.Happy Friday everyone
Last pint of Festival Old Suffolk Strong Ale, the preceding 39 pints had a better head than this. Very creditable dark ale; I'm especially pleased as it was fermenting during the heat wave but no off flavours. I only do extract brews with very minimal equipment as I only have the family kitchen for brewing, and a cupboard space for fermenting. This is the first time I've used an airlock, which gave me confidence to leave it fermenting for a couple of weeks. I also attempted temperature control for the first time - an ice-pack bath in a giant catering pan I inherited. Hydrometer? Nope, but from the speed at which I felt the booze, I'd put it at just below the target 6%.


The comparison with Adnam's Broadside isn't far off but I'd say this beer is "smoother" though less complex, lacking the brown sugar taste of Broadside (maybe that's just me!).
Apologies for a late query but do you mind me asking if that is one of the standard Bulldog kits in the pouch and if so whether you added any hops? It looks a lovely colour and has a nice head?

Yeh, it's the basic Bulldog standard IPA kit.
I used dextrose and light spray malt to give an OG of 1056 and it finished at 1.008 with no dramas.
I didn't dry hop on this one as it was first time I tried this kit but was impressed with how it turned out.
If I do it again I'd probably try dry hopping with one of the C's - Cascade,Chinook or Centennial.
interested to know if you tweaked it in any way?
Hi @micklupulo , no I didnt tweak it as such but used 500g DME and 250g sugar instead of a kilo of sugar.I wanted a slightly weaker abv easy drinking bitter, which in fairness after a few weeks now conditioning it is becoming.If I was doing it again I'd add a 30g dry hop as although its 'hoppy copper' I'm not getting any hop taste.It is improving though with time.I wasn't sure about it at all when it was first tasted(2+2+2 method).
Yeh, it's the basic Bulldog standard IPA kit.
I used dextrose and light spray malt to give an OG of 1056 and it finished at 1.008 with no dramas.
I didn't dry hop on this one as it was first time I tried this kit but was impressed with how it turned out.
If I do it again I'd probably try dry hopping with one of the C's - Cascade,Chinook or Centennial.
Thanks and it's on my list to do in that case especially as I have some cascade to use up.
Hi @micklupulo , no I didnt tweak it as such but used 500g DME and 250g sugar instead of a kilo of sugar.I wanted a slightly weaker abv easy drinking bitter, which in fairness after a few weeks now conditioning it is becoming.If I was doing it again I'd add a 30g dry hop as although its 'hoppy copper' I'm not getting any hop taste.It is improving though with time.I wasn't sure about it at all when it was first tasted(2+2+2 method).
Thanks and I suspected the name was flattering so will dry hop when I do it.

Youngs Scottish Heavy
1kg of brewing sugar and 0.5 kg og dark dme.
Bought it to make up price to avoid postage and didn't have high hopes but very pleased with outcome. Not as full on mouthfeel as a pint of heavy from pub but definitely very drinkable