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Today I brewed 22 litres of Mena Dru Stout (it means Red Hill in the Cornish language) The genuine stuff is brewed by the St. Austell Brewery in Cornwall.

3500g Irish Pale Malt
300g Smoked malt
180g Roasted Barley
180g Naked malted oats
180g Chocolate malt
140g Medium Crystal Malt
Fuggles 46g at 60m & 30g at 15m
CML Midland yeast
OG 1.044 expecting ABV 4.5%
Kernel Export India Porter using the last mystery yeast pack I got from MM which is HBC431. This has been on my recipe list for a while so had to be attempted sometime. Currently I have significant doubts about being too strong in the roast flavour. Been a while since I made any porter so maybe it will change during fermentation.
A Belgian Dark Strong Ale
It started out with the idea of doing a Chimay Blue clone.
I found a few recipes online, read Brew Like a Monk and then tweaked it.
It's about half way through the boil at the moment and should be ready to drink this time next year
Just finished a dry Irish stout. Incident free so far.
