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Munich Helles. A possible competition entry if my German pilsner doesn't cut it.
Cheers Dave. My previous Altbier was very similar to an English bitter. The one you had is my second attempt, I changed the yeast. This one was Cali common from CML, it had a cleaner finish and less body. Both nice beersFirst up this evening is a Altbier kindly sent by @samale
Nice dark copper colour, good head when poured and plenty of lacing on the glass aroma is malty with a raisin/plum.
Malty flavours but clean with a mild toast and a little toffee. It has a mild herbal hop flavour and medium bitterness. Drinks a little like a English pale as it has a medium body with the medium bitterness.
Very nice easy drinking beer, nice and smooth. I think for my taste it could do with a little more bitterness and a bit more German hop flavour. Good brew
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After a long walk around the harbour in Dubrovnik we happened across a nice little restaurant (called "Peppers") in the middle of a building site (they're rebuilding the road) and they were still open!
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This the draught lager, well I was very hot and thirsty.
After a slow stroll back after lunch, time for a supermarket can bought yesterday and suitably chilled.
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