Happy Friday good folks, still on the dregs of the fv larger I need the the all rounder for tomorrow, there is a lot of condensation on this glass, larger never tasted like this when I was a nipper

Is it nice
It’s good, but I’ve said before, mine is better
Cold IPA (El Dorado, Comet & Columbus)
View attachment 82332
I see you’re having a doubleMrs70 and I have just put in a decent shift at The Muddlers Club in Belfast. A Coffee Negroni is just the pick me up I need before heading home.
I find most sours challenging, however Geuze from Belgium is never that. I love marmite too.I was preparing to find it "challenging" but I love it!
How were they? I don't remember them when I visited Belfast a while back are they newer?Break from shopping in Belfast.
Not a dark beer on the menu though View attachment 82310
Had some seriously good sours this week from Vault City/Amity.Starting with this lovely sour. Proper thick.
Any chance you could post your recipe for this?View attachment 82342
My blackberry stout.