What are you drinking tonight 2023.

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Glad you enjoyed it, it's my 'house' pale with Ernest, Bramling X and Challenger to bitter. I heavily dry hopped this one as a change to my usual whirlpool which I think partly explains its annoying cloudiness. 🤔
I’m not one for worrying about cloudiness, apart from the look not sure it effects the taste at all..
This the other night, which was an absolute belter. I bought this in May when I went over to Brussels and visited Cantillon.


And this last night at the pub which was smashing. I'm not the biggest fan of Salt beers, I always find them a little underwhelming although they have the odd one here and there which is not bad. This one, however - banging. The spelling of "flavour" did make me twitch a bit though.

I’m starting tonight with a guest beer from @dave_77, this is his 5.1% Lutra Summer Ale.

The beer is more carbonated than it looks and is a beautiful hazy yellow-gold colour with a fairly loose white head.

The aroma is of doughy bread and citrus fruit. The flavour matches the aroma with the hops up front and that bready dough in the middle. A pithy bitterness and dry finish bring up the rear. Very nice refreshing beer Dave, thank you! 👍
I’m starting tonight with a guest beer from @dave_77, this is his 5.1% Lutra Summer Ale.

The beer is more carbonated than it looks and is a beautiful hazy yellow-gold colour with a fairly loose white head.
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The aroma is of doughy bread and citrus fruit. The flavour matches the aroma with the hops up front and that bready dough in the middle. A pithy bitterness and dry finish bring up the rear. Very nice refreshing beer Dave, thank you! 👍
Cheers mate, glad you enjoyed it. Your pale went down a treat, it was nice to have a full pint after the small sample at yours.
This the other night, which was an absolute belter. I bought this in May when I went over to Brussels and visited Cantillon.

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And this last night at the pub which was smashing. I'm not the biggest fan of Salt beers, I always find them a little underwhelming although they have the odd one here and there which is not bad. This one, however - banging. The spelling of "flavour" did make me twitch a bit though.

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Those Cantillon wine grape/lambic beers are, IMHO, the best value alcoholic drinks on the planet. Stunning artisanship and complexity for the price. Very food friendly too.
Another guest beer from @samale . Saison, a very nice dry fruity Saison. This would have been a contender for the Belgian Comp...has this got a little Brett addition? It's dry citrus with that slight Orval Brett vibe on the more mature bottles. Very enjoyable
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No Brett. It's a single hop Saison with the new hop Lorien hop. Yeast is WLP french Saison yeast. The bottle you received is bottle conditioned, the keg did not last long at all. I held this back from the comp to give @pilgrimhudd a chance 😉
Those Cantillon wine grape/lambic beers are, IMHO, the best value alcoholic drinks on the planet. Stunning artisanship and complexity for the price. Very food friendly too.
First one I've had of that type from Cantillon - mostly had the Oude Gueuze and the like, and honestly it's one of the best beers I've had some time. Absolutely superb.
Had a couple of Proper Job and Spitfire at the pub and now back home enjoying a 5.1% Trappist Single from @dave_77 in the sun.

Again a lovely pale yellow-golden beer with a loose white head, good carbonation, and great clarity.

The aroma is a bit Saison like with a little spice, a little noble hop character, and a hint of cracker malt. The flavour matches the description with the addition of a slight hint of tartness at the start. If I had been guessing blind I might well have suggested this is a saison, though maybe a little muted. It is very nice though and as it happens I have a saison from the same stable so it will be interesting to compare the two.

Thanks Dave for another cracking beer! 👍
First one I've had of that type from Cantillon - mostly had the Oude Gueuze and the like, and honestly it's one of the best beers I've had some time. Absolutely superb.
Jeaga Wise was on Saturday Kitchen a couple of weeks ago extolling the virtues of 3 Fonteinen Ouse Geuze saying it’s what she aspires too, the guest weren’t that impressed!
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