This ones
@matt76 english amber, opened with a little hiss, nice pour, initial thick head dissipates but doesnt disappear. Well carbonated, perfect for the style as usual. Slight chill haze, but I wouldnt notice it unless I was looking for it.
A yeasty aroma which becomes more hoppy as it warms, pleasant. Flavour wise, more lagery than I thought it was going to be, not complaining, just surprised me. Quite malty, had to scan the recipe, can definitely pick up the vienna. I noticed it was ekg hopped, I picked that up because it's not my favourite at all, but the maltiness balance that out nicely (for me).
Quite dry in so much that it pickers my mouth up a little bit, and that's the best I can describe that sensation.
Overall it's nice, not my favourite but I would certainly have another. Thanks for sharing!
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