To answer the main question, it's nothing I think about. We buy organic as much as possible but that includes meat and not just vegetables. We lean toward free-range whenever possible. In other words, we don't shop by price.
So, the thread got pretty dark, pretty quickly: ground chicks and ways to exterminate humans.
I don't think the death penalty is any kind of deterrent for the criminal. Criminals aren't sane to begin with, at least not at the time of the crime. They aren't up to doing what's best overall. Sane people follow the rules for the greater good.
But like everything else, there's a gray area--maybe the family of the victim benefits seeing the accused murdered, in a tit-for-tat way. Plus, it's cheaper than feeding and housing someone for forty-fifty years.
Ethically, I don't see a great a difference between the death penalty and abortion.
I don't know even what to say about boy chicks getting wood-chipped. It's almost like the baby harp seal situation where those little cuties get clubbed (for their fur I think--it's been a while).