And the meat ones are probably all the **** left over from trimming up the pork.
At the end of the day it seems like an appetising toss up between vegetable refuse/lab grown fungus and snouts/eyelids/testicles.
And the meat ones are probably all the **** left over from trimming up the pork.
Well that is marketing in practice again, this time government backed..I've never tasted a veg option that is tastier than a decent meat alternative. Of course there are alot of crap meat products out there, so that is easy competition, but offer up a decent sausage/burger/steak slice option up against the best veggie or vegan option bred from slime in a laboratory test tube and not only is it in a different league in terms of flavour and texture its also healthier and not a poison to your system.And the populace is lapping up veg anything regardless of the actual ingredients or processing.
And for them it is even cheaper to produce.
Winner winner non chicken dinner