Clear memory from 1992: I grab my usual 4-can pack of Stella from the offie. Notice the can design has changed, and is now a pretty, 3D textured affair.
Get home, open first can, take a lug. URRRGH, effing revolting. Check the small print on the can: "Brewed in the UK under licence by Whitbread". No longer by Stella in Leuven, Belgium. A great beer, ruined forever. And they kept the price at a premium, and had the nerve to launch the 'reassuringly expensive' ad campaign.
Same story happened with Grolsch and Red Stripe over the following years. British-brewed Budweiser has always been hideous.
Oddly, after Grolsch turned into wee, Safeway (remember them?) were still selling their own-branded 'Dutch premium lager' for about a year, and you could tell it was definitely the proper Grolsch. Half the price of the branded, UK-brewed swill. I think I bought all the stock from their Salisbury store that year.