Just received Z2 , posty arrived with a fairly large box so didn't even think it would be the beer. Wow I'll need to post a PIC of this really professional looking labels and he sent 2 yes 2 bottles. He sent 500ml for bottle swap plus a 330ml extra Xmas pressy to drink early and its a different beer :) .
Sounds like a reference to the Zombie running app for mobile phones. Or maybe not. My mate uses it. Maybe Mr/Mrs USA 1 will explain the title after the feedback.
Afternoon Chaps, Bottle Z1 "Ela Enihsnus, or Sunshine Ale :wha: ' has landed safe and well.
Really looking forward to this but will wait til the prescribed day :whistle:
Hi, just sent mine today. Checked it in at the PO counter....weighed in at 1.001kg... with a smile, a wink, and a shift about on the scales it weighed in at 1.000kg.... £3. Job done.
Can't wait to taste mine.
Cheers THBF hats off to the organisers great idea, well run.
Got Mine out of the Door today - had to resort to a courier due to being office bound for the week - looking forward to receiving my own gift from santa soon - I have been a very good boy this year
One more arrived today - this time a Wheat Beer from Newcastle :thumb:
It doesn't have a number (although it does have a lovely label) so here is a picture instead.
Edit: Thanks morethanworts - now IDd as LW4
I have had 2 beers arrive, really looking forward to sampling on Xmas day.
Santas winter warmer CH3 arrived last weekend
Santurn-ale-ia arrived yesterday
For anyone who hasn't posted the bottle(s) yet, £2.60 2nd class with Royal Mail, if your bottle and protective wrapping fits within an 8cm diameter posting tube and stays under 1Kg. I don't think 500ml glass will fit. 300/330ml glass in bubblewrap and 8cm tube should be 600-700g or so, for example.