Brewtus said:My review of X6,apologies for taking ages to reply.
Initially, on opening, nice little hiss which I wasn't expecting gven that the envelope said it wouldn't be as fizzy as some. Poured wth a little head, which lasted the duration, and crystal clear.
Firstly it is very well rounded, more so than most shop bought beers. Really nice mellow hoppiness, floral, something English I presume? Though the bitterness which lasts until next Christmas must come from something else?
All in all I thoroughly enjoyed this beer, my only complaint is that I served it at my default room temp and it could have done with a little chilling, nothing against the brewer whatsoever.
On opening the letter from Santa I am surprised to find that this is the brewers first own recipe, an incredibly worthy entrant in the event,
Thanks and happy new year.
And this, as you may have guessed was mine. Thank you for a very great review and I'm very pleased you enjoyed it :)
The bittering hops are challenger. I believe I included the recipe if you would like to give it a go. One thing I forgot is that it's based on 68% efficiency but I massively miscalculated my boil off rate and as a result I ended up with a lot more weaker beer (not complaining as such!) so I was aiming for 5.4% ABV instead of the 4.45% that I ended up with.