santas winter warmer

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Just going to add a little extra to my post.

Things I didn't do with my brew, which I now do since learnign about them:
  • Use a new kit, mine had been sitting around for months!
  • Boil the extract with water for 30 mins to get a good hot break
  • Use all boiled water to remove some of the hardness
  • Use a proper steraliser and cleaner
  • Airate wort well before I pitch the yeast
  • Rehydrated yeast before pitching
  • Use an airtight fermentor (there was an air lock, but the CO2 went out throught the lid join
  • ensure the temperature was 100% correct
  • get a good primary/ secondary fermentation going

I think if I had done these things I would have had a much better brew; probably with more life and freshenes... So next year I will be brewing my Winter Warmer using extract and specialty grains, probably proper liquid yeast too.

I think one of the enjoyable things with brewing is constantly learning new techniques and improving the craft. There is little craft with kits, but its a great way to start out and stretch your legs before the dark side calls.
Muntons actually say not to boil the extract so I steered clear of that one.
However I'm now fearing that I am going to join the "stuck at 1020" club - My gravity is 1020 and there is zero airlock activity, there are still a few small bubbles popping at the surface so let's hope it's still doing something
Mine stopped at 1.014 for an abv of 5.0 which I'm happy enough with. Bottled it this morning and now it's conditioning on top of the fridge. We'll see what I've ended up with in a few weeks.
Well still sitting at about 1020, it's maybe moved a little since last week but not much.
I did give a little stir and every time I check it the lid is raised so I assuming it's still producing and gas and therefore still fermenting.

So I'm guessing the answer is just give it time?
philip5660 said:
Well still sitting at about 1020, it's maybe moved a little since last week but not much.
I did give a little stir and every time I check it the lid is raised so I assuming it's still producing and gas and therefore still fermenting.

So I'm guessing the answer is just give it time?

Mine did the same thing but at 1.014 instead. Perplexed me as well that the lid was still convex but the hydrometer wasn't moving. I left mine for the requisite 3 days at 1.014 then said "screw it" and primed and bottled.

I tried one of my bottles last night, after it had been sitting on the warm for 4 days then in the cellar for 4 more days (quality control and all that) and, when I popped the lid, there was only the slightest pssst noise. I've brought the whole lot back up to the airing cupboard where I plan on leaving the damned things til xmas.

This hasn't been the easiest kit I've ever done... not by a long shot.
Aye If I'm honest I wouldn't have bought this kit if I'd read up on it first. I bought it then came on here just looking for tips only to find out that it was a bit of problem brew.
If I get to 1014 I'll be happy enough - I'm wondering how long I should give it before trying more yeast?
I have given it another stir and notched the temp up from 20 to 21 but the fact it's producing gas and the gravity isn't dropping is weird!

Apart from the lack of gas how did your bottle taste?
The taste was very nice, the hops were very noticeable and the aroma was spot on for an xmas brew. If these ever carbonate, even just to ale standards, I'll be happy with it. Might try Dasher the Flasher next year instead. Good luck!
10 days at 1020 - I have had enough, pitched some safeale s-04 this evening - Let's hope something happens now.
Is there any point adding yeast nutrient as well?
I don't think nutrient would hurt it but if that S-04 doesn't start with the amount of fermentables still (presumably) left in there at 1.020... well, if you still have pressure in the vessel, maybe suck it up and leave it longer. 10 days really isn't that long.

Have you transferred to a secondary? If I'm leaving a brew for a long time, like with this one, I like to rack it to a secondary to get it off the dead yeast cells at the bottom. Some people say secondaries are pointless but I find it helps get rid of that "homebrew" taste. Also, it makes me feel like I'm doing something with the beer to help me deal with my impatient, tweaking nature.

One final note on Santa's Winter Warmer: mine didn't carbonate as well as I'd have liked with the usual priming amount. If you like a lively beer, you might increase your priming sugar but do be careful not to end up with bottle bombs!

Good luck!
Yeah I went ahead with some nutrient too assuming it couldn't do any harm.
We now have pressure again in the FV! the lid has been raised since last night which is good news as there had been nothing for days.
Haven't thought about racking to a secondary...
Here it is!

Im trying this one at present and have bottle conditioned.

I tried one a few days ago, but it still had yeast suspended in the beer.

Anybody else had this problem?
Maybe leave the bottles outside in the cold to drop the yeast?

I'm still stuck at 1020. I contacted muntons and they're sending me an enzyme to try and start this again.
AND, theyre also sending a free kit!
I added the enzyme muntons sent me and it looks like things are starting again.
They have also sent me a free Midas Touch Golden Ale - thanks muntons!
I was doing some reading on this enzyme after i added it ;) and it's a dry beer enzyme, my research brought me to the same conclusion.
While I am happy they helped me and sent me a free kit they were pretty quick to admit fault - i didn't have to fight them to get free stuff!
It just sounds like there are issues with their kits in general. Contrast that with coopers who's kits I have brewed several times without one issue!
so after adding the enzyme the gravity plummited from 1020 to 1014 in about 24 hours.
1014 is the right gravity for bottling according to the instructions but I fear that fermentation has not yet stopped and this enzyme will dry things out too much.
oh boy so the enzyme really has done a bit much - og 1054 - it's now at 1004 - It has been there for 24 hours so I'm hoping this is the Final Gravity.
Muntons recommend a FG 1014 so I've missed the mark by quite a bit.
If it's still 1004 tomorrow I'll crash cool for a couple of days then bottle - I don't hold out much hope for this being very drinkable!