Northern Craft Brewers meet up

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Jul 28, 2008
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Manchester.....scorchio !
Today I went to the April meeting of the Northern Craft Brewers. It was held at the Bay Horse Inn, Terrington, York.
The Bay Horse Inn is home to the Storyteller Brewery, which is the baby of JHBF member Bandit (aka Rob Franklin).
Unfortunately I arrived about an hour late :oops: It was nice to see a few familiar faces and to finally meet Rob for the first time. We conversed quite a bit about a year ago, and I was really looking forward to seeing Rob and his brewery.
It was lovely to see his beers on tap, and they all tasted great I may add too :drink:
The weather was fabulous to boot, leaving rainy Manchester behind for a day was great :lol:

Junes meeting should be a belter. It's being held in Skipton. Friday night consists of a pub crawl/get together, and on Saturday there is a tour of the Copper Dragon Brewery with lunch at the venue.
This will be a joint meeting of the NCB and the Scottish Craft Brewers, and 2 beers can be entered for competition, a pale and a Scottish 80/- A fair number of SCB members look set to make the trip and it should be quite interesting.

Further detail can be found here NCB and SCB

You don't have to be a member to attend the meetings and wives/partners are welcome, though if you do go you will probably invariably join up at some future point :D
Thanks for the report Vossy :thumb:
I'm really disappointed that I couldn't make it today - I'd have been interested in hearing how Rob had got on :roll:
It's actuallly rather upsetting that much of 'this' happpens *oop North*

I was born a Northerner, brought up as one, but I am not as narrow minded as one.....
Great report V :thumb:
trunky said:
It's actuallly rather upsetting that much of 'this' happpens *oop North*

I was born a Northerner, brought up as one, but I am not as narrow minded as one.....
Don't worry trunky I'm narrow minded enough for both of us :grin:
How does Rob work it out tax wise with selling the beer he makes? I know as a landlord you have the licence to sell alcohol but would he have to have a licence to make alcohol for sale and pay tax on the fabrication and at the pump?
You don't need a license to make alcohol, you only need one to sell it - As the pub has a premises license and personal license there's no problem. He would have to be registered as a brewer for duty purposes though. Registering is easy, just means you have to pay duty on everything - even personal use.
That's pretty much what I was getting at James. I hold a personal licence too so I know about the sale side of it. I was just wondering whether the goalposts changed when you brew with the sole purpose of sale so you slip out of the "homebrewer" bracket. Curious as to whether it works out cheaper for Rob with the extra duty he'd pay on his own Beer rather than "bought in".
Hmm, thanks for the info James.

It's certainly a commitment to brew all your own ales so I'm assuming he just "Guest Beers" his own brews as to cover all the pumps would probably require a massive amount of brewing.
We brewed a batch of Ushers 1885 Stout (OG 1.051) at the Wibblers Brewery Last year, and IIRC the 'duty' payable was around 90p a litre . . . which anyone taking wort away had to pay . . . it would have been a bit much to account for a couple of hundred Litres as ullage :lol:

From what I understand of the rules he only pays the duty once . . . but of course he does not pay for 'experimental brews'
jamesb said:

If any other Brewers would like their Beer destroyed then I am the man to call. Feel free to PM me about Beer Destruction should the need arise!
trunky said:
It's actuallly rather upsetting that much of 'this' happpens *oop North*

I was born a Northerner, brought up as one, but I am not as narrow minded as one.....

Awesome, I don't remember posting this, in fact, I don't remember getting home :eek:
Vossy1 said:
The July NCB meet is at the Crown Inn Stockport...anybody up for it?

I'd be interested in sticking my head in for a look. Might even have my CBA membership sorted by then (PO is sitting at work waiting for the application to be filled in!)
We were talking about how difficult it is to recruit new, and especially younger members to the group.
I think I'm a younger member at 35 :shock: :lol:

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