Because no car driver or motorcyclist ever jumped a red light?
Was this aimed at me?
Because no car driver or motorcyclist ever jumped a red light?
NoWas this aimed at me?
I got taken out by a bike once in london because they were going the wrong way down a road. I stepped out from a central refuge because i could see that no vehicles or any sort were coming down the dual road to my left, only to have a biker smack into my from the right because they decided to go the wrong way down the road to overtake a load of cars sat at the lights. One could argue that I should have also looked to my right sure, i accept that, but I've yet to be hit by a car in my life thankfully.. only a biker.
I'm not anti-biker, just wish all road users followed the rules whatever mode of transport
As I said not all wagon drivers are angels and you have to agree the same applies cyclists, what you are obviously unaware of (as your little trolling dig I have removed proved) is how limited visibility in these vehicles why would any cyclist risk getting themselves crushed by undertaking a truck turning left like the ones seen in the video in the OP.As for self-centred morons, look to your own profession. I've been run off quiet roads twice by said morons shouting that I shouldn't be on the r
Now who is trolling, the thread no one has said any group of motorists are perfect we are all human and we all make mistakes why are you taking this so personal you may observe all the rules of the road and be a polite cyclist unfortunately as the video shows there are a lot who do not,Because no car driver or motorcyclist ever jumped a red light?
So you think all cyclists are squeaky clean and all motorists are the devils spawn, are you saying no cyclist has ever cycled having had a beer or two or the day after they have had a joint, they have never broke the speed limit or any rules of the road.Driving without insurance, driving without MOT, driving under the influence of drink, driving under the influence of drugs, exceeding the speed limit, driving without a license, driving whilst banned, jumping red lights, driving the wrong way down one way streets, parking on the pavement
But cyclists............
It would appear you think all wagon drivers are the same and you have given a few examples of bad ones how many tens of thousands have passed you without cutting you up or having a go at you do not tar us all with the same brush,
Now who is trolling, the thread no one has said any group of motorists are perfect we are all human and we all make mistakes why are you taking this so personal you may observe all the rules of the road and be a polite cyclist unfortunately as the video shows there are a lot who do not,
The thing is the penalties for illegal driving are too low to have any effect, the risk of a paltry fine for mobile phone use doesn't seem enough of an incentive to some apparently.The thing is there's very little accountability and enforcement of standards, no license points or fines etc to encourage better riding. The risk of injury doesn't seem enough of an incentive to some apparently.