Jeez scary or what

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Anyway, I'm out of here I come here to discuss brewing and not much else but got sucked into this one.
Never forget, @Galena , that what ever benefits we derive from the forum- and there are many, we're clickbait first and foremost. It''s what pays to keep the forum going. I think that knowing that helps to keep things in context.
And you'll never persuade a driver to your cause: a driver has a purpose, shopping, taking kids to school, delivering parcels,etc etc while a cyclist is ALWAYS perceived to be at leisure and necessarily less important. Try changing that mindset.! Even so, the cause has got to be fought manfully (and womanfully).
There you go you see, you have taken offence as soon as someone has a dig at lorry drivers so perhaps you can empathise with my point a little?

I take offence because i am sick of truck drivers being called bad drivers we read and hear it all the time.

As i said in post #14 below i am sick of cyclists ignoring the rules and trying to undertake when i am turning left, my truck has an audible warning (see video below) and also a large flashing cyclist stop sigh on the near-side rear of my truck yet they ignore it and push to the front where i then cannot see them so have no idea they are there until the lights change and they set off up the road, i will say again i am not saying all cyclists do this but its obvious from the video a large number are more than happy to take the risk even though the warnings are there.

BTW in case you are unaware all truck drivers have to pass a HGV test, have to have a CPC (certificate of personal competence) card which is a days training every year so you can keep the card updated (and keep your job) and have to have an annual medical we also get much stiffer jail time and fines/points if caught breaking the law, this is a profession people dont to into on a whim i agree thre are idiots out there but most truck drivers obey the law and give cyclists the room they need. (as in video below)

it should be the driver of the motorised vehicle who is at fault.
Chippy - Tea - As a wagon driver I couldn't disagree more, if I pull up at a junction and indicator to turn left no cyclists should then undertake me as the vehicle says "caution this vehicle is turning left" but they often do.

I am sick of people accusing wagon drivers of being bad drivers I would love cyclists to drive a simulator so they could see how many blinds spots we have they would be shocked, the video shows how many cyclists are self centred moron I see it all the time.

BTW I am not saying all cyclist's are bad and not all wagon drivers are angels.
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I think there is a difference between travelling to work/leisure whether it be by car/bike etc and actually driving for a living.
Driving 8 hours a day it does become personal with the amount of bad drivers/cyclists on the road
My mate drives HGV and was accused of running a horse and rider off the road,driving too fast etc
Police involved etc. The rider did pass his parked up truck in a narrow lane but for some reason she decided she didn't like his truck there.
Good job his Tacho was proper..showed him static for lunch break and driving very slowly either side. Case thrown out.
I think there is a difference between travelling to work/leisure whether it be by car/bike etc and actually driving for a living.
Spot on, bad parking is one of the things that really does grind my gears, back in the day when we had traffic wardens people used to obey the rules now they park their cars at junctions, on double yellow lines or basically wherever the want they have no idea how much room a wagon needs when going round a tight corner, junction or bend.
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I cycle to work, where I drive a minibus for a living. I also cycle for leisure and sometimes drive a car .
I see bad driving and bad cycling every day. I wouldn't attempt to generalise and pick out any one group as better or worse than any other

Agreed. Trying to pit one against the other with these one-sided, agenda-driven videos is lazy and brainless.
Agreed. Trying to pit one against the other with these one-sided, agenda-driven videos is lazy and brainless.
So i post a video of cyclists acting like idiots and giving cyclists a bad name, i could have posted car drivers lorrys or motor cyclists who are just as bad, i am now a troll lazy and brainless, i was hoping some would pick up on how bad our transport system is and maybe look at the planners of it's layout, just seems stupid to have bus lanes, cycle lanes, and motor traffic all separated by different colored tarmac, Talking of brainless and lazy
waste of tax payers money
Yeah but cyclists and lorry drivers are all a bunch of numptys...innit!
Who's to fault if one of those on the bike overtakes in the wrong lane into oncoming traffic and gets splattered?
You're right in the first quote @Clint and some cyclists are the most arrogant knob ends you could ever wish to meet. But there's got to be a vulnerability clause in all this. It's the same principle that makes us give kids interests priority over adults even if some of them are the most obnoxious little runts you could ever wish to meet.
And before someone pipes up "well they're kids, aren't they! Adults should know better!" It's EXACTLY the same principle, that of vulnerability.

Oh and just because some stage coach has got an audible signal banging out "turning left, turning left" doesn't mean it's got any authority. As far as I'm concerned they can turn left when I've done my business. Who do these weirdos in their nicely insulated, air conditioned cabs, think they are when I'm battling through the rain trying to get to the pub?
Agreed. Trying to pit one against the other with these one-sided, agenda-driven videos is lazy and brainless.

I agree and that is why throughout the thread i have said there are bad and good cyclists, car drivers and truck drivers, you only need to search "car crash" on YouTube to see many bad decisions made by motorists.
So i post a video of cyclists acting like idiots and giving cyclists a bad name, i could have posted car drivers lorrys or motor cyclists who are just as bad, i am now a troll lazy and brainless, i was hoping some would pick up on how bad our transport system is and maybe look at the planners of it's layout, just seems stupid to have bus lanes, cycle lanes, and motor traffic all separated by different colored tarmac, Talking of brainless and lazy View attachment 86520waste of tax payers money

I didn't quote you. It's these inane videos I take issue with.

What is that picture meant to illustrate? All I'm seeing is numerous cars illegally parked across cycle lanes and up on the pavement.
Oh and just because some stage coach has got an audible signal banging out "turning left, turning left" doesn't mean it's got any authority.
Wrong, if the bus pulls up at the junction indicating it is turning left you should not squeeze down the side of it.

From the cycling highway code U.K - Do not ride on the inside of vehicles signalling or slowing down to turn left.

Turning. When approaching a junction on the left, watch out for vehicles turning in front of you, out of or into the side road. If you intend to turn left, check first for other cyclists or motorcyclists before signalling. Do not ride on the inside of vehicles signalling or slowing down to turn left.