How many gallons of homebrew in 2012?

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4.5 Gallons of Nelsons Revenge
5 Gallons of Coopers IPA

New total = 4849.5 Gallons
13.5 Gallons of SNPA
4.5 Gallons of Salem Porter

Total 4868 Gallons

My first AG brews and until I tasted the Salem I though the SNPA was superb and it is it is just that the Salem is one of the best pints I have ever tasted.

Oh god it's Monday again isn't it?

sorry bad math I had already previously stated the 5G's of ruby red and summer lightning in a previous post!!!

sorry all :oops: .

read 5 gallons of Alemans Erdinger weissbier and the correct figure of: 4873

I realy hate starting work at 05:45 :cry:
1Ogallons of Friggin`Oaty just coming out of the boiler :D

4898 gallons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap:

who`s gonna tip it over 5000 gallons? whats that around 40000 pints?