How many gallons of homebrew in 2012?

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1 gallon Solomon Grundy strawberry wine
1 gallon Solomon Grundy peach wine
1 gallon orange WOW

Total - 5115
I've been a bit lax updating, please excuse me.

8 Gallons Weisse.
8 Gallons of Homegrown PA, made with Cascade from the garden.
And 8 gallons of Oatmeal stout.

Forum total 5170
I've been a bit **** too, and not brewed so much this year, but catching up now.

1 Gallon Citra SMASH (3 weeks ago)
1 Gallon Cascade APA (2 weeks ago)
1 Gallon Framboise wine drink (Paklabs kit - In the summer)

Total: 5173
Eric_S said:
Does not quite a gallon count?

Almost 1 Gal Coopers Stout


I thought most kits were 5 gallon?

Anyway another 9 for me, A Pale with Fuggles and EKG but a US yeast (WLP 051)

Total 5189
WOW :shock:

Some mega brewing going on according to some of the figures being bandied around on this thread.

5000+ gallons of stuff brewed by a lot of folks :tongue:


Have you lot got nee cameras to show us your stashes? :wha: :wha:

oldstout said:
WOW :shock:

Some mega brewing going on according to some of the figures being bandied around on this thread.

5000+ gallons of stuff brewed by a lot of folks :tongue:


Have you lot got nee cameras to show us your stashes? :wha: :wha:


Nope, I've drunk most of mine. :cheers:
keith1664 said:
oldstout said:
WOW :shock:

Some mega brewing going on according to some of the figures being bandied around on this thread.

5000+ gallons of stuff brewed by a lot of folks :tongue:


Have you lot got nee cameras to show us your stashes? :wha: :wha:


Nope, I've drunk most of mine. :cheers:

So Keith - you've gone to the trouble of brewing 149 gallons, then drank it all - but have not bothered to take pics of what you have crafted when so many folks on here love to see what each other does :wha:

I don't get it :wha:

This next bit is just a general observation and not aimed at your good self :mrgreen:

It appears to fly in the face of what we all share on here, ie, a common hobby of brewing and sharing what we do and how we do it; and describing what we do each step of the way,even through to the ultimate accolade - Vossy1's feck test :lol:
I've always thought that actually showing the final fruits of our labours is much more tangible than simply listing a number of gallons of stuff we claim to have made ;)

Early days some accused me to be 'willy waving' when I first mooted seeing what each other had brewed :hmm:

I don't think the near 8000 viewers of both of my 'Show us your stash' threads see it like that :whistle:

I'm simply advocating that as well as telling people what we've made, which is the purpose of this particular thread, why not let them see it too ;)
oldstout said:
keith1664 said:
oldstout said:
WOW :shock:

Some mega brewing going on according to some of the figures being bandied around on this thread.

5000+ gallons of stuff brewed by a lot of folks :tongue:


Have you lot got nee cameras to show us your stashes? :wha: :wha:


Nope, I've drunk most of mine. :cheers:

So Keith - you've gone to the trouble of brewing 149 gallons, then drank it all - but have not bothered to take pics of what you have crafted when so many folks on here love to see what each other does :wha:

I don't get it :wha:

This next bit is just a general observation and not aimed at your good self :mrgreen:

It appears to fly in the face of what we all share on here, ie, a common hobby of brewing and sharing what we do and how we do it; and describing what we do each step of the way,even through to the ultimate accolade - Vossy1's feck test :lol:
I've always thought that actually showing the final fruits of our labours is much more tangible than simply listing a number of gallons of stuff we claim to have made ;)

Early days some accused me to be 'willy waving' when I first mooted seeing what each other had brewed :hmm:

I don't think the near 8000 viewers of both of my 'Show us your stash' threads see it like that :whistle:

I'm simply advocating that as well as telling people what we've made, which is the purpose of this particular thread, why not let them see it too ;)

I have. I've done several brewday threads, I've posted threads on converting fridges, threads on making pid controllers, threads on immersion coolers, solar pumps and their power supplies. I posted a thread on my first plastic brewery and another on it's shiny replacement.
Today was my 53rd AG brew, am I meant to have done a brewday posting for each and every one? Are we all meant to document each and every brew?

Excuse me I think I need to go calm down.

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