General election

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  • Still on the fence.

  • Plaid cymru

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Wi believe someone has leaked something about taxing pensions so when asked about pensions this morning Del Boy said the Tories tax pensions he didn't say they were not going to tax them more.
Did he also not say he was going to tax them more?
Did he also not say he was going to tax them more?
Not sure, I am in the lakes today and the radio signal is very hit and miss I will have to listen again when I get home later, it did strike me as odd one of the first questions was about raising tax on pensions which reminded me about the leak I heard the other day, I haven't time to check if the leak is real or not but the old saying no smoke without fire may fit here
I believe someone has leaked something about taxing pensions so when asked about pensions this morning Starmer said the Tories tax pensions he didn't say they were not going to tax them more.

It looks like it may have been something Sunak said that i picked up on the radio -

A retirement tax sounds like a new tax policy that would target pensioners - but Labour have not announced anything like this.

So, it’s unlikely that Labour would bring in an explicit retirement tax. Although of course, political parties can (and do) introduce new policies that are not in their manifestos.

What the Tories are referring to when they say “retirement tax” is the fact the state pension will soon rise above the tax-free personal allowance.

The full new state pension is currently worth £11,502 a year. The personal allowance is £12,570. There are no plans to increase the personal allowance, but thanks to the triple lock, the state pension will rise each year by at least 2.5%.

The state pension is likely to breach the personal allowance by 2027-28, meaning retirees will have to pay income tax on part of their state pension.

The Conservatives have announced “triple lock plus” to get around this problem. If the party wins the election, they say they would introduce a new personal allowance for pensioners, which would rise in line with the triple lock - therefore keeping pace with the state pension and reducing the risk of pensioners being taxed.

Labour have not committed to such a policy. Last month, Starmer described the move as “desperate”, adding that it would leave a “Corbyn-style” black hole in the public finances.
What the Tories are referring to when they say “retirement tax” is the fact the state pension will soon rise above the tax-free personal allowance.
Which is, ironically, something that they have basically introduced themselves by increasing pensions but not increasing tax thresholds.

Edit. Jocky beat me to it
As for taxing pensioners, there are now 8.5 million pensioners paying tax, which is up 2 million in the last 4 years, so I think it's very unfair to say...

Grandad better hide his pension book.
He is going to tax them, Starmer is being led by Blair

...when that raid has been well and truly on for years at this point.
As for taxing pensioners, there are now 8.5 million pensioners paying tax, which is up 2 million in the last 4 years, so I think it's very unfair to say...
...when that raid has been well and truly on for years at this point.

Don't come in here with your nuanced, factual arguments.
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As for taxing pensioners, there are now 8.5 million pensioners paying tax, which is up 2 million in the last 4 years, so I think it's very unfair to say...
...when that raid has been well and truly on for years at this point.

You do realise it was a joke -
Del Boy Starmer -
No income tax no VAT (rises) no Tory magic money tree.
Grandad better hide his pension book.
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So, it’s unlikely that Labour would bring in an explicit retirement tax. Although of course, political parties can (and do) introduce new policies that are not in their manifestos.

Labour have ruled out income tax, national insurance or VAT hikes where are they going to get the money to pay for all policies in their manifesto?
The magic money tree

They rely upon raising £5.2bn from clamping down on tax avoidance.

Clamping down on tax avoidance is the real magic money tree. It sounds great to everyone, everyone uses it in their manifesto and then it never actually appears.

The Tories are also looking to get £6bn from the same source.
Labour have ruled out income tax, national insurance or VAT hikes where are they going to get the money to pay for all policies in their manifesto?
same place the Tories have been pulling it from for the past 14 years? That good old magic money tree. If May can find a quick billion down the back of the sofa to pay off the DUC, then I'm sure that other parties will be able to find some too!

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