Electric cars.

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apart from the ICE all the other parts need maintenance/checks. killer for me is the 3 year service iridium spark plugs £20+ each. cost of air filter, oil filter and oil isn't to bad. I always top up my washer bottle and change wipers myself and let the garage know otherwise the auto charge for washer top up regardless and I can get wipers far cheaper and just as good as they can.

In theory ev's should use less brakes if the regen is used although with their heavier mass they need bigger brakes
I doubt you have the choice these days why would it be switchable.

It's not normally switchable for regen generated from the brake pedal. Not aware of any products in the market where that is an option.

However, most EVs have optional 'one-pedal driving' modes where you can get some regen braking from releasing the throttle pedal.

Additionally, if you drive in a more aggressive manner and brake heavily you won't get much regen braking as you'll be relying more on the friction brakes. Regen braking generally stops at around 0.5g deceleration (most passenger vehicles can achieve about 1.0g in an emergency stop).
At the end of the day when everybody is driving an ev and all things are green, you will be paying exactly the same as you did for ice, through the nose
Yes, exactly that. You are now not able to buy a “dumb” car charger. They all have to have the ability to report how much electricity goes through them. This will be the new way of getting fuel duty.
At the end of the day when everybody is driving an ev and all things are green, you will be paying exactly the same as you did for ice, through the nose
This is not about what we pay its about how we move from using dirty fuel that we are running out of to one that does less damage to the environment while we wait for Hydrogen fuel cells to finally take over.
This is not about what we pay its about how we move from using dirty fuel that we are running out of to one that does less damage to the environment while we wait for Hydrogen fuel cells to finally take over.
Sorry Chippy, they were advertised and sold as being green the carrot was cheap to run no tax government grant no ulez charges nothing zilch, well tax is coming in 2025 the grant has gone prices for charging are going up, say and believe what you like we are being lied to and led down the swanny river
Sorry Chippy, they were advertised and sold as being green the carrot was cheap to run no tax government grant no ulez charges nothing zilch, well tax is coming in 2025 the grant has gone prices for charging are going up, say and believe what you like we are being lied to and led down the swanny river

Without wanting to sound disparaging, I think it is bit naive of anyone to believe the tax breaks for EVs would last forever. It was only ever a matter of time before the government realised it needed to start recouping the losses from people making the switch.

The increase in charging costs will have come as a bit of a shock to people though. We did a study at work recently (can't share the data for obvious reasons) that showed that an EV still works out cheaper to run than an ICE equivalent but the gap has definitely closed.
Sorry Chippy, they were advertised and sold as being green the carrot was cheap to run no tax government grant no ulez charges nothing zilch, well tax is coming in 2025 the grant has gone prices for charging are going up, say and believe what you like we are being lied to and led down the swanny river
You seem to keep ignoring all the posts in this thread that have repeated the same message -
If you charge from home using solar EV's are about as green as you can get.

As it says below by 2035 all new cars and vans will have to have zero emissions at the tail pipe we don't know what they will be running on in 12 years but there is one thing for sure petrol cars will be around many years after 2035 so you will still have plenty of choice if an EV is not for you!

As for the price of electricity going up that has nothing to do with EV market we are all paying more for electric and gas but an EV is still cheaper to run than a petrol car even if you don't have off street charging.

The ban on new petrol and diesel cars, which was originally planned for 2040, was brought forward by the government to 2030. By 2035, all new cars and vans will have to have zero emissions at the tail pipe
Without wanting to sound disparaging, I think it is bit naive of anyone to believe the tax breaks for EVs would last forever. It was only ever a matter of time before the government realised it needed to start recouping the losses from people making the switch.

The increase in charging costs will have come as a bit of a shock to people though. We did a study at work recently (can't share the data for obvious reasons) that showed that an EV still works out cheaper to run than an ICE equivalent but the gap has definitely closed.
No problem, and thank you for answering my questions
You seem to keep ignoring all the posts in this thread that have repeated the same message -
If you charge from home using solar EV's are about as green as you can get.

As it says below by 2035 all new cars and vans will have to have zero emissions at the tail pipe we don't know what they will be running on in 12 years but there is one thing for sure petrol cars will be around many years after 2035 so you will still have plenty of choice if an EV is not for you!

As for the price of electricity going up that has nothing to do with EV market we are all paying more for electric and gas but an EV is still cheaper to run than a petrol car even if you don't have off street charging.
Driving an ev will make a miniscule difference to global warming and climate change, until the likes of Asia Russia and lots of other nations join in with a concerted effort you may as well **** in the wind
Driving an ev will make a miniscule difference to global warming and climate change, until the likes of Asia Russia and lots of other nations join in with a concerted effort you may as well **** in the wind
Absolutely. Same with recycling, reducing your household energy usage, food miles etc etc

When you have Muricans and canuks using 2 times the energy per year than a typical European, Africa and the far East plastic waste being 4 times that of a typical European amd the list goes on and on.
But it's about personal responsibility and just because some septics think it's ok to have a heated drive (really, it's a thing as they are too lazy to shovel snow), doesn't mean a race to the lowest common denominator
Absolutely. Same with recycling, reducing your household energy usage, food miles etc etc

When you have Muricans and canuks using 2 times the energy per year than a typical European, Africa and the far East plastic waste being 4 times that of a typical European amd the list goes on and on.
But it's about personal responsibility and just because some septics think it's ok to have a heated drive (really, it's a thing as they are too lazy to shovel snow), doesn't mean a race to the lowest common denominator
Don't get me wrong i do my bit recycling wise ie if the black bin is full, unlike a lot round my way i don't shove some in someone else's bin on bin day i go to the tip, if i had a drive i to would use a shovel, but as you say unless we as a planet all join in it's a dead end, someone needs to have a very stern word with Brazil who are hellbent on burning the Amazon down, Asia with the palm oil, and many many more
Driving an ev will make a miniscule difference to global warming and climate change, until the likes of Asia Russia and lots of other nations join in with a concerted effort you may as well **** in the wind

Really, have you any figures to back up your claims, what about the harm exhaust emissions do to the general public who cannot get away from them?

If every country moved to EV or hybrid what difference would it make to that?

Do we all just say **** it and carry on burning fossil fuel?

This is not about what we pay its about how we move from using dirty fuel that we are running out of to one that does less damage to the environment while we wait for Hydrogen fuel cells to finally take over.
As i said in my quote above we have to move away from burning dirty fuel that according to the article below will run out in 50 years.

Conclusion: how long will fossil fuels last? It is predicted that we will run out of fossil fuels in this century. Oil can last up to 50 years, natural gas up to 53 years

https://group.met.com/en/mind-the-f...n: how long will fossil,coal up to 114 years.
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Driving an ev will make a miniscule difference to global warming and climate change, until the likes of Asia Russia and lots of other nations join in with a concerted effort you may as well **** in the wind

Its not just about global warming -

Every time you go for a drive, pollution is emitted directly into the air which causes significant risks for your health, especially for people who live near busy roads, and for the environment. You see it every time that smoke billows from your car's exhaust pipe, and from all the different forms of transportation we rely on to get around and to move goods around the planet — vehicles are a major contributor to air pollution.

Air pollution refers to the presence of foreign substances in the air that don't belong there, or excessive amounts of certain impurities that wouldn't harm us otherwise. When cars burn gasoline, they emit pollutants. Gasoline fumes escape into the air even when we pump gasoline into our fuel tanks.

Three Major Pollutants From Cars

There are three major pollutants that come from cars:
  1. Particulate matter — a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air that contribute to atmospheric haze and can damage your lungs and get into your bloodstream.
  2. Carbon monoxide (CO) — cars emit carbon monoxide when fuel is burned. Breathing air with a high concentration of CO affects critical organs like your heart and brain. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, as much as 95 percent of all CO emissions in cities may come from motor vehicle exhaust.
  3. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) — when fuel burns, nitrogen and oxygen react with each other and form nitrogen oxides (NOx). Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) forms from emissions from cars, trucks, buses, power plants and off-road equipment. Breathing air with a high concentration of NO2 can affect the respiratory system.
When hydrocarbons and NOx combine in sunlight, they produce ozone. High in the atmosphere, a layer of ozone protects us from the sun's ultraviolet rays. When holes in the atmosphere's ozone layer allow ozone to come closer to Earth, it contributes to smog and causes respiratory problems.
Air pollutants emitted from cars are believed to cause cancer and contribute to such problems as asthma, heart disease, birth defects and eye irritation.

I think in a roundabout way you are both right.

@Rodcx500z is right that on a global scale we need other nations to start playing their part. However, it's a really complex issue when you consider countries like China and India are effectively going through their Industrial Revolution phase. Their socio-economic development hasn't progressed as far as the Western world yet so it's a bit unfair for us to say 'look, we caused this mess and benefited from it but we'd really like you to not do the same'.

@Chippy_Tea is absolutely spot on that at a local level there are significant benefits to cutting pollution in our towns and cities. And of course, every little does help so we've all got to try and do our bit where we can so that eventually it all adds up to a bigger change.
It's not normally switchable for regen generated from the brake pedal. Not aware of any products in the market where that is an option.

However, most EVs have optional 'one-pedal driving' modes where you can get some regen braking from releasing the throttle pedal.

Additionally, if you drive in a more aggressive manner and brake heavily you won't get much regen braking as you'll be relying more on the friction brakes. Regen braking generally stops at around 0.5g deceleration (most passenger vehicles can achieve about 1.0g in an emergency stop).
That's what I was thinking about, the MG EV has selectable levels I thought you could actually select off, but apparently not. if you're using heavy regen then your friction brakes should last longer