Thanks jenki, much appreciated.
I'll have a play. I can't justify the price of camlocks to myself yet.
I'll have a play. I can't justify the price of camlocks to myself yet.
onelegout said:Ok so the pressure's on to finish this, deadline is the weekend! Got a 25kg sack of maris otter on the way from Paul at barleybottom.com and I plan to brew once a week for the next two months
Silicone hose is here, and I've done about 50% of the control box. I've never wired anything like this up before, in fact I've never really done any 240v wiring as such... If you see something that's not right, PLEASE let me know!
Left to do:
*Finish control box wiring
*Weld in mounting brackets for pump & Control box
*Cut holes for keg fittings
*Fit the fittings to the kegs.
*Test brew with water (no grain).
cool thats what I hoped.jamesb said:It will work, but temperature response will be significantly slower.
Let's see a picture of the thermocouples you've already got.
I've used 1.5mm, as it's all I could get cheaply. It should be fine considering each line has a max of 13 amps running through it, right?darrenwest1 said:what size cable are you using there mate for the main feed
i personally would use 2.5 mm
looks great tho
SSR1 = Element 1 liveVossy1 said:Looking good onelegout![]()
Looking at your control box, are all 4 SSR's driving elements?
Aah ok, thanks I'll see how it goes with them and change 'em if I need to. How do you mean 'don't take very kindly to being moved'? :)Lurch said:Those thermocouple leads are fibreglass with a stainless overbraid. Not the best choice for the application really.
They won't take very kindly to being moved and will need to be kept dry.
A better option would be ptfe or silicon, pvc would do at a push provided it was high temp.
:hmm: :hmm: That doesn't seen right to me.onelegout said:SSR1 = Element 1 liveVossy1 said:Looking good onelegout![]()
Looking at your control box, are all 4 SSR's driving elements?
SSR2 = Element 1 neutral
SSR3 = Element 2 live
SSR4 = Element 2 neutral
By using 2 SSR's aren't you increasing the chances of one failing ?Yeah I had heard some horror stories of SSRs failing to on! Thought it best to have one on each leg, just to be on the safe side : )
The way I look at it, it's just insurance that if one fails to 'on', the other will still be switched by the PID and therefore turn the element off. I have seen quite a few other people using this system, and it seems to work fine for me : )
Unfortunately it's a 12v fan, I've put a 240/12vconverter in the box just for the fanI just saw some pics of your setup, I'd like to put a cooling fan in the control box, does yours work off 240v? I thought most fans that size ran off a 12v supply like pc fans?
Tinkering with ones gear is soo much fun.....you'll get bored when it's all running smoothlyI'm going to make some changes to the brewery in my lunch hour, and hopefully brew again tomorrow, this time I'll take photos as I won't be so hung up on worrying if it will work
bolty said:Just as an idea, could you use a bathroom extractor fan to do the cooling? They run on 240v.
I've used 1.5mm, as it's all I could get cheaply. It should be fine considering each line has a max of 13 amps running through it, right?darrenwest1 said:what size cable are you using there mate for the main feed
i personally would use 2.5 mm
looks great tho