Fitted the casters the other day, which was a nice simple job. I was worried that only having 3 bolts in each would be a problem, but it's more than strong enough to hold the kegs full of water :)
Today I ordered some aluminium tread plate for the top and shelf of the brewery - having it cut to size with a lip folded over the front so It's easier to clean.
I'll probably fit that next week but first job is to brew the first batch! Will be brewing a batch of ordinary bitter on it on saturday - will probably just do a 5 gallon batch to start with, anyone got a recommendation for a good recipe using east Kent goldings? H

Today I ordered some aluminium tread plate for the top and shelf of the brewery - having it cut to size with a lip folded over the front so It's easier to clean.
I'll probably fit that next week but first job is to brew the first batch! Will be brewing a batch of ordinary bitter on it on saturday - will probably just do a 5 gallon batch to start with, anyone got a recommendation for a good recipe using east Kent goldings? H