update ...pulled the lump and stripped it down,
the main news is that the rear main bearing [next to the flywheel,] does not fit into the crankcase properly, :shock:
the case has at sometime been machined badly and the bearing has moved in the case causing damage to the dowel and the bearing, effectively the case is a write off ,
the bearing is the largest oversize available,and there is still a 1mm gap between it and the case....ggrrrr
this was causing the whole engine to shake and knock, but no other real visible damage to the engine,
although both heads have small cracks around the plug holes,
so now i need a plan B.... :?
as im starting from fresh,
i would like an engine with a bit more power,
any suggestions as to where to go for a rebuilt short engine...
what size/ spec would work best..
cheers guys,