12 very long years

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Well put Moley. I can still fit into the suit I got married in but can she fit into her wedding dress :whistle: :whistle: .

I am terrible for trying to put people of getting married but I have only succeeded once.
We first met when I was 13. I worked in the tuck shop in school and she used to jump the queue and flutter her eyelashes at me (you know what 11 year olds are like.) A bit of holding hands and the odd horrendously bad snog, and we both moved on to other conquests. 5 years later I bumped into her again at an unofficial school party. That was Christmas Day 1990. Got engaged a year later, married on her 21st and have been happily married (or sometimes tolerating each others existence) ever since. :grin:

I proposed on a snow covered hillside with no sign of life anywhere. If she said no she was walking home :D

p.s. - After she said yes, I crashed the car in the snow........ no sign of life anywhere????? damn!! (1991 - no mobile phones. We did the right survival thing and cuddled up in the car to share body heat :D )
We did the right survival thing and cuddled up in the car to share body heat

Sounds like you planned to crash that car ;) :rofl:
evanvine said:
Moley said:
I suppose the real question is, had you known then what you know now, would you still have done it?
Oh yes! Especially now that she has given up trying to change me. :twisted: (38 next May)

you only think that. She'll have changed you a tiny bit at a time without you noticing. On the bright side, you are now the perfect man....... shame it took so long though. Think of the fun you could have had being perfect 40 years back :lol:
Thornyhill said:
you only think that. She'll have changed you a tiny bit at a time without you noticing. On the bright side, you are now the perfect man....... shame it took so long though. Think of the fun you could have had being perfect 40 years back
The words of a wise man! :eek:
I had megga fun nearly 40 years back, but then the body was more willing! :rofl:
I can still Wine, Dine and ...................! :D
17 years for me although we have been together since 1989. I nicked her off the bloke with whom she had moved to East Anglia from Uni - he was a dork though and she had to be removed from his clutches.

I have enjoyed pretty much every day since - yes, this is a bit naff, I know, but it is sadly true - except perhaps for the few months around my 40th birthday - I was a bit traumatised by that event in my life. Even sadder perhaps, I still fancy my wife something rotten!

To pop the question I pretended we were going to a weekend-long Apple Festival down in Oxford in celebration of all of the different varieties of the English apple...no, don't ask me why I thought that was going to be even remotely interest to the (hopefully) future Mrs S (I must confess I actually thought it would be quite cool to go and have a look - I seem to remember that I was in to apples at the time). Somehow she agreed to come with me...I had arranged a small rented house for the weekend right in the centre of Oxford and the house, the dreaming spires, good food and the local beer (it's always been about the beer) seemed to convince her that I was the one...or perhaps more likely, that I would do...for now.

Happy days.

Twenty-one today, twenty-one today......

We've got up, washed and dressed and Mrs. Mole has said nothing.

She came downstairs and found a couple of cards. I could see the cogs working.

Cards? :hmm:
Why are there cards? :wha:
Darling Daughter's birthday is more than a fortnight away ..... :hmm:
Oh! :eek:
Sh.....ine a light! :oops:

I remembered, she completely forgot :grin:
Earned a couple of brownie points there then Moley :thumb:
Well im at the oposite end.... Going to pop the question at the end of next month.. planning a romantic trip to the yorkshire dales (will hopfully find a cracking local pub or two...). Got a family friend whos a jewler so am having the ring made at the moment...

Any advice welcome as im a tad nervous! Been together 2 and a half years so thought its about time.. Shes 23 and im 25

Absolutly petrified!!!!

WHAT!!!! Run run like the wind!

Only joking :D
Hope everything goes well for you :thumb:
"the secret to a good mariage is spontaneity - allways be prepared to run, at a moments notice"

no - I jest, I'll have been married 7 years this next month, and it's been mostly fantastic.
I proposed on one knee in a dodgy bar in Malia, Crete. We had 'Cretan champagne' free from the barman (which didn't pop when the cork came out, and tasted like elderflower cordial), and then played mini-golf. class.

I knew that I'd only ever ask someone if I also knew that they'd say yes, and she knew that she'd only say yes to someone if they proposed properly (on one knee), and we'd bought the ring together the day before (when we realised that it'd be exactly 2.5 years since we met the day after). I was nervous all day, she was too. I kept pretending that I was reaching into my pocket, and winding her up something awfull.