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  1. simonlpearce

    Clearing/Priming Question

    Thanks! The reason i ask is that my second brew was bottle primed exactly as my first was. I have a measuring spoon which i flat off with a knife to get the exact amount of sugar the same per bottle. Yet me second brew is, so far, a lot less fizzy than my first. It may just be that its taking...
  2. simonlpearce

    Clearing/Priming Question

    Once fermentation has finished, would a beer that has been left longer to clear potentially be less fizzy after bottle priming, compared to one that has been left for less time to clear. This is assuming both have exactly the same amount of priming sugar used per bottle?
  3. simonlpearce

    Brewferm Diablo

    Good to hear, although this one will be particularly difficult to keep my hands off before it has had time to mature properly as its only a 15 pint brew.
  4. simonlpearce


    Surely if you only made it last night then it cannot have finished fermenting yet and will take another couple of weeks before you can tell the alcohol content.
  5. simonlpearce

    Brewferm Diablo

    Just been to my local HBS and picked up one of these kits. From what i have read online it is supposed to be similar to Duvel, so i look forward to a couple of months time when it will be ready to drink. Its difficult juggling all of these brews to make sure your not without beer at any point, lol.
  6. simonlpearce

    Sediment In Beer

    So basically im just going to have to brew more beer, so that i have soooo much of the stuff that i cant drink it as quick as it takes to condition :drink:
  7. simonlpearce

    Sediment In Beer

    4 weeks :rofl:
  8. simonlpearce

    Sediment In Beer

    I think i have the pouring bit down, and its good to know that i will never get rid of a thin layer. What about yeasty flavours, am i bottling too soon, or am i drinking too soon after bottling? I have to admit the first batch i started drinking after about 2 weeks in the warm and a couple of...
  9. simonlpearce

    Sediment In Beer

    Have done 2 brews now, both Pilsners. The first was ok, a little yeasty, but i figured this was because i bottled too quickly and because the fermenting temp was uncontrolled so could be anything from 16 to 20 deg. Either way there was a LOT of sediment in the bottles. Second brew i listened...
  10. simonlpearce

    2nd FV Hot or Colt?

    To be honest i did mean to move it to the secondary vessel sooner than 3 weeks, but had to paint the lounge, lol. Will leave it in the warm for a few days, then move it to the garage for a couple of days before bottling. Last time i put the sugar in the bottles and this seemed to work a treat.
  11. simonlpearce

    2nd FV Hot or Colt?

    Am currently on my second brew. It was in the primary FV for about 3 weeks, i have now siphoned it into a secondary ready for bottling but want to let it clear as much as possible first. I currently have the secondary FV in a room which the temp varies from about 16 to 20 degrees, should i...
  12. simonlpearce

    My first homebrew

    Not long tasted my first brew also, in fact i have only had one bottle which i must admit didnt taste half bad for a first try. Going to spend some time tucking into the rest this evening so i can give makes sure none of them got spoilt when bottling :drink:
  13. simonlpearce

    Better Brew Czech Pils

    I brewed mine a little cold, maybe 17 or so. It has now been in bottles 2 weeks (in the warm) so will be moving it to the garage tonight. Has to be said though its much much fizzier after 2 weeks warm and in overnight cool in the fridge, and is loads clearer.
  14. simonlpearce


    So after fermenting, how long should we leave beer in the FV before moving to a secondary, then how long should it stay in the secondary FV before bottling?
  15. simonlpearce


    This is what i use, but i like my beer fizzy so go with the full tsp.
  16. simonlpearce

    Coopers european.

    I just did my first pilsner kit so very similar to the euro lager. I would definitely move to another FV to let it settle as mine came out with a lot of sediment in, and lagers/pilsners are supposed to be clear. It also made pouring a little harder.
  17. simonlpearce

    Crash cooling outside

    Back on topic...If crash cooling outside, how long should it be left for?
  18. simonlpearce

    New brewer in town

    Get up plastic tub from wilkos for £7, fill it with water, put in your FV. Then go buy an aquarium heater £6 (ebay) and put it in the tub and set it to the correct temp. The coopers brewmaster pilsner kit i just did was 500g brewing sugar + 300 malt extract, but i guess others could be...
  19. simonlpearce

    Sediment Question

    Roger that, will bung them in the garage where its plenty cold for a couple of weeks.
  20. simonlpearce

    Sediment Question

    That's more or less how i am pouring, but i have to admit i can probably try and perfect this a little more. I do have 44 bottles left to practice on, lol. I guess i could try the teabag idea on just one bottle, not got much to loose...