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  1. K

    AG#3 - Dark Ruby Mild

    This is a great beer. I am down to 15 bottles of this but I would definitely make it again!
  2. K

    AG help needed

    So following on from some good advice, I am about to batch prime. I will be adding boiling water to 80-120g of sugar then putting this into my keg, along with the contents of my FV. Then I will be bottling straight away. But how much boiling water do I need to use? I am confused :oops:
  3. K

    AG help needed

    Right that's what I will do - I shall let you know how I get on :D
  4. K

    AG help needed

    OK, my style of brewing so far has been Real Ales. Stouts, Bitters & Pale Ales. I am quite interested in trying batch priming next. I am currently transferring to a secondary keg style barrel for 6 days after initial fermentation then bottling. Perhaps with my next brew I should batch prime...
  5. K

    AG help needed

    Thanks for your advice piddledribble - I have been leaving in warmth for 7 days then out in the shed for 3 weeks. I will try leaving in the warmth for longer next time. All glasses are clean and no food is interfering. Thank you for your advice. Thanks for your reply, my recipes have all been...
  6. K

    AG help needed

    Well, I have made it to AG #4, the tastes and quality of the beers produced in comparison to 'kits' is second to none. The only problem I am finding is that my brews are all coming out a bit 'lifeless' with very minimal bubbles and never a head to be seen. There have been some bottles in the...
  7. K

    AG#3 Timothy Taylor Landlord

    I bottled my AG TTL on Friday, got 28 bottles from my batch. I lost more to evaporation than any of my other AG brews (TTL was AG#3 for me too). I hope yours turn out well!
  8. K

    What will this be like?

    MMMMMM, had a bottle of 'The Kernal IPA' in The Rake last week. Lovely.
  9. K


    Ha I know, more for my amusement than for serious brewing tekkers.
  10. K


    As in 'Never been done?' Tomorrow is bottling day, just for a laugh, and maybe showing my age a bit, I am going to prime one of my bottles with...... Haribo!
  11. K

    California at home?

    I have recently just started All Grain brewing, this is what you really need to look into to starting brewing beers like those from Cali. I am hoping to make a 'Sierra Nevada' style beer next :)
  12. K

    All Grain Brewing

    Yes I will be sure to upload some pictures in due course :)
  13. K

    All Grain Brewing

    So I finally got around to investing in an All Grain brewing set-up. I have had some fantastic results! If anyone out there is considering doing this take my advice. Go for it, you will not be disappointed.
  14. K

    Brewdog Glasgow

    I have not been to any of the Brewdog pubs or breweries yet. . . I did come across a bottle of Hardcore IPA in Tesco a week or so ago and it was lovely.
  15. K

    New here

    Hello and welcome
  16. K

    Conditioning bottles outside

    So I have decided to put my bottles just outside my kitchen door during the conditioning process. Does this sound like a bad idea or not? It is a shaded area, the only thing that made me concerned was when we had some heavy rain. But people leave bottled beers in buckets/barrels of water to cool...
  17. K

    Brew number 3, Muntons Gold IPA

    So how much of the sediment do you keep? And do you dry it out first or just add it in its gooey state.
  18. K

    Been MIA

    Did you make it to Mammoth Lakes? I spent 6 months there a few years back, I heard tales from my friends of their fishing adventures but was too busy snowboarding/skateboarding weather dependent to catch any myself. They also have a micro brewery which has some great beers.
  19. K

    I now LAUGH in the face of poor wort aeration...

    Once I start AG brewing next winter my Kenwood tri-blade is going to get worked! :D
  20. K

    Hello All

    Welcome to the forum! :cheers: