AG#3 Timothy Taylor Landlord

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Not according to SWMBO :tongue:
Ah we'll could be worse at least my midlife crisis ain't shagging someone lol!

Got a mate coming round tomorrow who wants to get into
Craft brewing ! Another convert!

Good luck with the bottling ;)

Quick thought: I was surprised at the amount of trub etc in the bottom of the secondary FV

Can this be used for starter I wonder? Stuck it in a jar just in case.

Quick thought: I was surprised at the amount of trub etc in the bottom of the secondary FV............

to me that shows a benefit of secondary fermenting vessel. I know lots of folks say its a waste of time and you could leave it longer in 1st one.
but how many of us would leave it untouched for a good length of time... we like to fiddle...
I bottled my AG TTL on Friday, got 28 bottles from my batch. I lost more to evaporation than any of my other AG brews (TTL was AG#3 for me too).
I hope yours turn out well!
Oh dear , the quality control dept opened a bottle tonight ;)

A far too sessionable pint, shame its 5% abv :D lovely clarity due to secondary fv? :hmm:
This could be a dangerous pint and I'm not sure it will make Christmas. It would go lovely with some strong cheddar the kind that makes the roof of your mouth itch! and homemade pickled shallots.