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  1. Darkbrewer

    Pumkin Amber Ale today

    got down to 140 at the very end
  2. Darkbrewer

    Pumkin Amber Ale today

    At 20min
  3. Darkbrewer

    Pumkin Amber Ale today

    I've got a liter per pound. is that too much its what the recipe I'm using said.
  4. Darkbrewer

    Pumkin Amber Ale today

    alrighty just got grains mashed in
  5. Darkbrewer

    Anyone listening to anything good?

    Rockin. I'm a huge slayer fan. Diablus in Musica is my fav. Pry cause I was in highschool when it came out.
  6. Darkbrewer

    Anyone listening to anything good?

    I'm not terribly impressed with most new music. I pulled out The Cure Bloodflowers for a great change up. Not sure if rock is as stagnant in the UK as it is over here.
  7. Darkbrewer

    AG Brew day checklist and brew logs other spreadsheets

    I wrote out a specific checklist but I'm sure it'll get flexed all over
  8. Darkbrewer

    Pumkin Amber Ale today

    Thanks everyone. I can't wait to start. Just waiting for one of my buddies to get out of work. 4hrs :whistle: wait I know :drink: I have a decent amount of my last brew still.
  9. Darkbrewer

    Todays brew

    Awesome. Have yo posted the recipe anywhere yet?
  10. Darkbrewer

    Pumkin Amber Ale today

    I'm so stoked to do my first AG today. I'm not starting till the evening but couldn't wait to post. I'll have my wonderful beer wench[my wife, I can get away with it on brew day. god I love beer] take lots of pics so I can post my go of it.
  11. Darkbrewer

    Dunkel / Dark Lager

    Have you tried the Warsteiner Dunkel out of germany? Its a close second in my all time favorite beers that I have to buy.
  12. Darkbrewer

    To airlock or not to airlock.... or little bit of both?

    Ok.... Sorry bout this but tea towel? So it sounds like there is enough positive pressure in early ferment that concerns are much lower?
  13. Darkbrewer

    Dunkel / Dark Lager

    Huh I'd love to hear how it comes out. Sorry I don't have advice.
  14. Darkbrewer

    To airlock or not to airlock.... or little bit of both?

    Wow. When I saw this tittle I didn't think the posts would go this way. I've always airlocked cause well they're cheap so why risk all that wonderful liquid.
  15. Darkbrewer

    AG#3 Samuel Smiths Oatmeal Stout

    Awesome job. I love seeing the brew day pics
  16. Darkbrewer

    new member

    Welcome. Just start asking these guys really know there stuff.
  17. Darkbrewer

    Hi from a complete newbie

    Welcome. You came to right place these guys are wicked helpful.
  18. Darkbrewer

    AG#3 Samuel Smiths Oatmeal Stout

    good save big yin. I have an month old so I know how that goes.
  19. Darkbrewer

    AG#3 Samuel Smiths Oatmeal Stout

    I added molasses to mine. Most of the recipes I found that were Samuel Smith's clones called for it. Can't wait till you post how it comes out.
  20. Darkbrewer

    Hop Tea / Dry hopping

    I know dry hopping is adding hops to the fermentor. I believe you mostly get enhanced aroma.