Pumkin Amber Ale today

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2011
Reaction score
Southern Michigan
I'm so stoked to do my first AG today. I'm not starting till the evening but couldn't wait to post. I'll have my wonderful beer wench[my wife, I can get away with it on brew day. god I love beer] take lots of pics so I can post my go of it.
Thanks everyone. I can't wait to start. Just waiting for one of my buddies to get out of work. 4hrs :whistle: wait I know :drink: I have a decent amount of my last brew still.
alrighty just got grains mashed in
What are you using for a mash tun? Is that a round cooler? Hard to tell from the pic. Either way, congrats on the first of many AG brews!!!

Mash tun was an ale pale that I wrapped with a space blanket and then fleece. Kinda Macgyvered. :rofl: Sg of 1.055. Pumpkin most have bumped it up a little more then I thought it would. Sorry there aren't more pics the camera isn't talking to my computer for some reason. Lovers quarrel I guess.
Sounds like an interesting brew, i`ve a pumpkin in my kitchen that has been sat there for ages............... ;)

you put the pumpkin in the mash yeah? i`m sure I saw your recipe somewhere - can you post it please also what yeast are you using? I`ve had some cloudy worts :eek: and the yeast normally helps to clear up :thumb: