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  1. D - Free personalized beer labels online

    Some nice designs there, shame they are marked with the website.
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    Chilli Wine - Jumping in at the deep end

    sounds good, I will be interested to see how this turns out.
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    sediment sticking to sides of demijohn?

    This is the chardonnay from yesterday that had the crud on the sides, this is what it looks like today after getting it off. Seems to look ok, will take anothe FG today to compare to yesterdays, although there does seem to be alot of c02 bubbles still rising and odd the odd oak chip rising...
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    sediment sticking to sides of demijohn?

    The one at the back clearing was not touched, just the one at front left with the crud on the side. It's a chardonnay, i pitched the yeast 14days ago and was taking FG and another today before racking and clearing SG 1.094 on 4/9/2011 FG 1.006 on 17/9/2011 That one at the back is my...
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    sediment sticking to sides of demijohn?

    Thanks for the reply Marrsy86, i took a FG today and lets say, agitated it away!!!!! will give a few days to settle down again before taking another FG.
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    are my OG,S too high? on ribenna wine and vimto wine?

    im no pro but that does seem like alot of sugar! Is it for 1Gal? Are your OG compensated for temperature? if they are than your OG shouldnt change when cooled. if your brews finished at .990 than it would be about 19%abv even if it finished 1030 it would give you finished product of 14.6%abv...
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    sediment sticking to sides of demijohn?

    Have some wine on the go, in one of my demijohns though it looks like sediment is stuck to the side, If i agitate it slightly bits do start to brake up and drop down. I this gunna be a problem or nothing to worry about?
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    Any recipe's for wheat wine?

    Any good recipes for wheat wine? With the offer of some free wheat i thought it would be rude not too!! So im on the scrounge for some recipes and advice :grin:
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    meet the triplets -- fridges that is ;-)

    thats what you call a result!
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    first wine kit question~ stoping fermentation?

    Thanks for the tips/replies I think i will let it run its course and then correct when its finished. Thanks again Dave
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    first wine kit question~ stoping fermentation?

    Hi so my first wine kit ~ youngs elderflower ~ my question is i think i would like to try this sweet so i need it to be XXXX gravity, It isabout there now but still fermenting. Do I add stabilser now and it stays sweet, or wait untill fermentation stops and then back sweaten it?? cheers :D
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    Head on a pint?

    Thanks for the replies and spelling lesson :whistle: It was a cheap kit, the basic stuff that comes with a youngs brewbuddy setup. (my first brew) Think i will take a batch of bottles in the house and only chill shortly before drinking and see how this works. It's not a dissapointing level of...
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    Head on a pint?

    Think i will try granulated for priming next time. i wasnt sure that the brewing sugar is too fine and sat in the ridges without dissolving fully. Perhaps granulated and a good shake on next batch. At least now i know to look for enough fizz for head!
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    Head on a pint?

    i kept the bottles in the house for 3 days before moving to the fridge. Is it worth given them a shake when i take them out or will that really mess things up? Cheers Wendy Dave.
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    Head on a pint?

    Left for 4 weeks so far in a fridge some are bottled in coopers pets 500ml and others buxton fizy water bottles 500ml. All were primed with a teaspoon of brewing sugar.
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    Why do a secondary fermentation for lager?

    Also... If anything like mine it tasted awfull at the finish or fermentation and at the point of bottling. It's taken 4 weeks of conditioning to just become drinkable.
  17. D

    Head on a pint?

    Am i supposed to get a head on a bottle conditioned larger when pooring out? I thought i would, but i haven't! Bottles primed with brew sugar and there is a 'ok' amount of fizz to it but no head when pooring. young's larger kit, bottle conditioned in a cool fridge for 4 weeks. cheer Dave
  18. D

    Average brewers age ?

    Nearly 28 and only just started on the homenrew road.
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    I made a thing...

    Where have you mounted the temp controller, in the side? Im toying with the idea of in door mounting.
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    aquarium refractometers suitable for reading SG in homebrew?

    Thanks guys, think i will get a brix type. Much easier than a float type hydrometer.