sediment sticking to sides of demijohn?

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Active Member
Jul 7, 2011
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Have some wine on the go, in one of my demijohns though it looks like sediment is stuck to the side, If i agitate it slightly bits do start to brake up and drop down.

I this gunna be a problem or nothing to worry about?

Thanks for the reply Marrsy86,

i took a FG today and lets say, agitated it away!!!!! will give a few days to settle down again before taking another FG.
Stuff does occasionally stick to the sides, but you had a clearing wine there sitting on a thick sediment so it needed racking. Maybe not now you've ‘agitated’ it.

The clear one at the back needs racking or bottling if it's not already beyond redemption.

I can't make out what the red one is, but what's all that crud around the shoulder?

Main problem I see is that all of your jars are half empty. Finished wines like the one at the back are going to oxidise.
Agree - they all need racking and topping up to the top almost, to get rid of oxygen. Also a few taps on the DJ wil release the stuck sediments and let them settle to the bottom - happens sometomes with 5ltr pet bottles as they have ridges on them i just give it a few taps and it drops off.
Moley said:
Stuff does occasionally stick to the sides, but you had a clearing wine there sitting on a thick sediment so it needed racking. Maybe not now you've ‘agitated’ it.
The one at the back clearing was not touched, just the one at front left with the crud on the side. It's a chardonnay, i pitched the yeast 14days ago and was taking FG and another today before racking and clearing SG 1.094 on 4/9/2011 FG 1.006 on 17/9/2011

Moley said:
The clear one at the back needs racking or bottling if it's not already beyond redemption.

That one at the back is my elderflower, I racked it last weekend and added finings. I am bottling that one this weekend, was going give it a couple more days as the top of the sediment was still fluffy, But after this post i WILL bottle today!!!! Well perhaps rack on CT and then bottle as my syphon skills need work!. SG 1.106 on 27/8/2011
FG 1.006 on 10/9/2011

Moley said:
I can't make out what the red one is, but what's all that crud around the shoulder?
Yea that one is blackcherry, Pitched my yeast 14 days ago, has still been bubbling a little, took a FG yesterday and will take another today to check before racking off and clearing. The crud is from the start of the ferment, was abit foamy! SG 1.092on 4/9/2011
FG1.005 17/9/2011

Moley said:
Main problem I see is that all of your jars are half empty. Finished wines like the one at the back are going to oxidise.

Ah, everyday is a school day! all 3 wines are the youngs kits, i just made to the volume in the instructions. If i were to top them up in future what would i do it with? if i used water would it just not dillute and weaken the taste/alcohol?

Partly a misconception on my part, i thought the airlock stopped oxygen from entering but allowing co2 to escape.

Wish i had posted photo's earlier to be honest as these points i would never had considered. Perhaps i should do a picture post of a winemaking day so i can get my process correct.

Thanks for the advice, Do you offer wine making lessons by any chance? where do i sign on!
This is the chardonnay from yesterday that had the crud on the sides, this is what it looks like today after getting it off.


Seems to look ok, will take anothe FG today to compare to yesterdays, although there does seem to be alot of c02 bubbles still rising and odd the odd oak chip rising and dropping.