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Tipping culture is ridiculous in America and it's creeping here.
I was at a brewery in Liverpool (you can all guess which one).

I literally picked 4 cans out of their fridge and put them on the counter. The guy handed me the card terminal with an expectant look.

On the screen, 5%, 10%, 15% or other.
I asked him how I proceed without tipping and he seemed very ****** off.

He hasn't poured me a pint. He didn't even acknowledge me when I walked in or converse with me when I was at the bar yet he's expecting me to tip him for scanning 4 barcodes on the can?!

More often or not you'll see a discretionary % added to your food bill at restaurants. I've no issues paying this if the service is good but I've also no issues asking it to be removed if it's not very good either.
New law in place with October that states business isn't skim the tips, they are purely for staff. Industry experts 90% of businesses to had a service charge to things like pouring a pint so they make up for their loses