first wine kit question~ stoping fermentation?

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Active Member
Jul 7, 2011
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so my first wine kit ~ youngs elderflower ~

my question is i think i would like to try this sweet so i need it to be XXXX gravity, It isabout there now but still fermenting. Do I add stabilser now and it stays sweet, or wait untill fermentation stops and then back sweaten it??

cheers :D
Personally, I always think it's safer to back-sweeten with splenda. Some would probably prefer not to use any artificial adjuncts, so I guess it's a call you have to make for yourself.

If you do stop the fermentation though, take hydro reading for at least two days (ensuring they are constant before any bottling.

Good luck
do it which ever way you want to. i think stopping it early is the best thing to do but i'm not sure. with my Apple wine i am making i am back sweeting it with sweeteners. and with my ribena wine i am going to stop fermentation early. i will be able to see which one is better. if you stop fermentation now. it may still ferment a bit longer and the S.G. may drop a bit lower than what you want it to then you'll have to sweeten it a bit anyways. either way good luck ! :)


Thanks for the tips/replies I think i will let it run its course and then correct when its finished.

Thanks again

DaveDesign said:
I think i will let it run its course and then correct when its finished.
Always the best policy, in my opinion :thumb:

Whatever timescale you have in mind, double it.