Chilli Wine - Jumping in at the deep end

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Senior Member
Aug 22, 2011
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After a recent return to home brewing, mostly beers but 10 Litres of WoW and 10 litres of turbo cider done. I've decided to jump in at the deep end with a Chilli Wine ! Having looked at several recipes I have created a hybrid recipe from them all ...

So here goes... The plan is: 5 Litre batch

10 Chillies mostly red but not all. Seeds left in.
500 grams of Sultanas
800 grams of sugar (adjust as needed for 1095-1100 )
200 grams unrefined dark brown sugar
1 tsp pectin enzyme
1 tsp citric acid
1/2 cup strong black tea
1 tsp yeast nutrient
1 tsp wine yeast

So far I have chopped the chillies and brought them to the boil in a couple of litres of water. Took it off the heat and added the sultanas (chopped in a food processor). It's all cooling now and once cool I'll add the pectin enzyme and leave it all for a couple of days...

Sunday I'll strain all this into a fermenter and add the rest of the ingredients...

Anyone see any fundamental flaws in this plan ?

Set this going today after straining all the ingredients in through a nylon gauze... a sample taste suggests the hotness is just about right unless fermenting substantially reduces it...

OG came out at 1100 without any adjustment.

Anyway... *fingers crossed*

Will see how it comes out ...

Just racked this off into a demijohn tonight... Taste is really coming together and hotness is perfect , warm and glowing without burning ...
