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  1. S

    Whats everyone drinking?

    A BrewDog Paradox - 10% stout matured in ex-whisky casks. VERY NICE INDEED!! Got it in Oddbins, definitely worth seeking out if you like 'em strong and dark. Drinks way too easily for a 10%er, lovely balance, chocolatey roastiness and a nice dry finish. Think I might have to work on a clone...
  2. S

    Flight of the Conchords anyone?

    Utterly hilarious :thumb: "If I tell her she's hot will she think I'm sexist? Man, she's so hot she's MAKING me sexist. Bitch!" :rofl:
  3. S

    Brewing x-mas pressies

    I doubt ms wino will be getting me anything brewing-related although my brother has shown a keen interest so I may be getting him some kit to start him off. Always good to bring more brewers into the fold 8-)
  4. S

    How long does a Dunkelweizen take to mature?

    Been drinking all day at a lunch - got back home and am going to hit pint #3 of this in a minute :drunk: Still needs more carbonation though, and I'm feeling too lazy to properly gas up the corni :nono:
  5. S

    How long does a Dunkelweizen take to mature?

    Well I've decided to go for the first proper pint tonight after gassing the keg to 38psi and things are really looking up 8-) Still needs some carbonation (maybe the corni has a little leak :hmm:) but overall the beer has a lot more life to it than the other night so full steam ahead :party:. If...
  6. S

    How long does a Dunkelweizen take to mature?

    I gassed up a bit and despite being way under-carbonated it didn't taste quite ready yet, lovely flavour though but I reckon its got some more smoothing out to do. Will keep ya posted 8-)
  7. S

    How long does a Dunkelweizen take to mature?

    I've read that they are ready quickly - my recipe states it is good to cold condition for a week to improve flavours. Well mine's been 'pretty cool' for ever-so-nearly a week and I really fancy gassing it up and having a pint tonight with the footie... :twisted: I'm I doing it a disservice or...
  8. S

    I'm giving up brewing...

    As someone who's well and truly bound to central-London by job and SWMBO I'm jealous as well! Would love to live in the country with a top local and room for a brewery. One day... Congrats! :party:
  9. S

    Coverting loft into a mini brew centre!

    ^ :lol: My converted loft space becomes an absolute oven in the summer-time, so much that bottled and kegged beer stored up there stales quicker than otherwise. Great storage temps in the winter though ;-)
  10. S

    Brewers Gold

    That'll do the job very nicely as a higher-gravity Golden Ale 8-) Crouch Vale use 100% lager malt in their Brewer's Gold but when I've done that it comes out feeling like it lacks a certain something.
  11. S

    Lewis Hamilton Champion

    Ha ha well I'll ask... :lol: That space probably sells at £1m per square inch I'd have thought :shock:
  12. S

    Whats everyone drinking?

    Tonight is yet more of my APA which seemed to go down well at LAB last night. Mind you, after the German beers talk and tasting everyone's beer was well received ;) :drink: Embryonic LAB blog/site thing here: clicky it will have its own URL once I work out how to split my webspace :grin:
  13. S

    Lewis Hamilton Champion

    Guess who I'm shooting a commercial with on Thursday...? :party:
  14. S

    Whats everyone drinking?

    I was confronted by a dirty great rat in the middle of Sunday daytime - just outside my front door. The little ******* had the nerve to stand there and look me up and down before casually sauntering off across the road... Yuk :o
  15. S

    Videne contact time

    Eeek, I've been using it at 2.5ml/L :o
  16. S

    Dry Hopping

    On 'the other forum' someone mentioned dangling the weighed down hop bag into the beer by a thread of sanitised cotton - that way you can sandwich it in the corni lid and not suffer pressure loss. I personally have had good results by just throwing them in the primary for 5 days once...
  17. S


    Good choice there, I was on the draught SNPA last night, lovely brew 8)
  18. S

    Natural methods or the pill

    After once a) running out of Whirlfloc and b) forgetting to add copper finings completely and seeing the results its Whirlfloc every time for me now.
  19. S


    Happy Birthday for yesterday V1 8)
  20. S

    Mixing Yeasts

    I might postpone brewday until next weekend and drop the intended gravity a little :( so it can be ready for crimbo, at least that way I can do a bulk order for all the pre-christmas brewing I've got planned :cheers: