Coverting loft into a mini brew centre!

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Nov 6, 2008
Reaction score
Willenhall, West Midlands
Hey guys, got some crazy plans as I may run into money. And I'd like to throw it at my new brewing addiction!

I'm considering "converting" my loft into a brewery of sorts.


Those are the *rough* plans.

Only things I'm worrying about:

>> Its very chilly up there, any suggestions on heating the demijohns? Will insulation of the makeshift cupboard with foam be enough?
>> Moving house and losing my precious creation!
>> The amount of cash I'd be set back having to floor the loft. Shouldnt be an issue though.

Any of you guys contemplated something like this?

Any general advice/comments would be awesome!

Cheers :cheers:
Im assuming that you are in the UK. My gut instinct is to stay away form the loft. I have done a lot of work in my time up in loftspacea and during brighter months they become ovens. In teh winter time they are fridges. I think the temperature swings might give you soem big issues around fermentation. The alternative will be to invest in some serious heating and cooling solutions.
As I say thats just my gut instinct
You're right im in the UK. West Midlands/Staffordshire.

You may be right, its the only decent space I have in the house that my girlfriend cant moan about me using for brewing!! :cry:
^ :lol:

My converted loft space becomes an absolute oven in the summer-time, so much that bottled and kegged beer stored up there stales quicker than otherwise. Great storage temps in the winter though ;-)
jamesb said:
A T said:
Did you consider putting the girlfriend up in the loft?

Last time I tried taking my girlfriend in an uncomfortable place, she screamed and punched me.


Yorkshire Tea meets Keyboard moment here :rofl: