Brewing x-mas pressies

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Jul 28, 2008
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Manchester.....scorchio !
When Santa comes to empty his sack in your stockings, what brewing gear are you hoping for ?

I've asked for a 50cm class A PT 100 for my fv, and a PID controller :cool:
No pressies for me and Mrs Wez to each other this year, we decided to spend the money on young Jasper instead :thumb:


Mrs X A T hates me so i think the only thing i could possible get off her that would be brewing related would be a nice stainless steel pot to the side of the head :thumb: :P

i'm getting a refractometer (the expensive kind... woohoo!) and some hydrometers :thumb:

she did jokingly hint at a brewzer kit :shock: and was promptly told to feck off! :lol:
I doubt ms wino will be getting me anything brewing-related although my brother has shown a keen interest so I may be getting him some kit to start him off. Always good to bring more brewers into the fold :cool:
She is getting me This pH Meter Don't ask why I need another one . . . I'm just hoping she doesn't remember I've already got one :whistle:
As our boat is going out on xmas day i'll be getting up early to sort out the gear and then spending the rest of the day cooking dinner. Goose this year :D
As for pressies??? I'm HOPING i can get my shiny mash tun ordered...

I'll be drinking my Styrian slapper on xmas day. It'll have been in the cornie for about 5 weeks so i'm hoping it will be yummy and bright. That's all i want for xmas really, some beer that has been left for longer than an hour after racking. :roll:

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