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Used my new toy tonight for the first time - 27L Fermzilla Gen 3.2 Tri-Conical. To keep it simple I just used the MYO Premium Lager kit from The Range, but used different yeast - Hoppin Pils from CML. For the dry hop in a weeks time, I'm replacing the kit hops with Motueka, hoping to get a nice citrusy hopped lager for the next short spurt of summer weather, when/if it visits central Scotland again!
Impromptu user upper brew today, small 10L batch so nice easy brew day.

Batch#52 Vienna Lager
BIAB (no sparge)
Total water 14.3L
OG 1.051
FG 1.013
ABV 5%
EBC 22.5
IBU 25

Clear choice ale malt 1kg
Light Munich 1kg
Vienna 250gm
Light Crystal 220gm

Tettnang 10gm 60mins
Tettnang 5gm 15mins
Tettnang 10gm 5mins
Tettnang 45gm hopstand 80c 30mins

OG and volume on the mark, now chilling in brewfridge to pitch MJ54 at 14c
Have some Saaz and Hallertau Blanc for possible dry hop.
Museum beer making demonstration, 20l Golden ale.
3kg Maris Otter
150g crystal malt
10g magnum
25g Boadicea
Tomorrow I'll add some yeast & see what happens.
Should be ready for the August musical festival and/or September steam fair.
I did a session hazy yesterday. Single hop cashmere, because I’ve decided I do too many brews with multiple hops that there are some hops where I don’t actually think I know what they taste like


Never even drank one before!

Equal parts rye and light Munich, bit of torrefied wheat and a smidge of black to get colour to style spec, which I regret because it was looking a lovely red.

1st time using rye, very peppery smell coming from the mash.

A little magnum for about 14ibu and mj m20.

Efficiency took a hit, but pitching at 1.050.

Last brew until September.
Same as me, but the tumble drier is always the star of my show 🙂
I've never used Cashmere before but, having just looked it up, it looks quite interesting. I'm going to add it to my "to try" list!
I’ve had it in a few commercial hazies but never used it myself, which was one of the reasons I went for it. I also believe it’s less “in your face” than some of the NEIPA hops so should be better with the lower ABV of this brew.
It's been an absolute PITA, but I've finally got this Duvel clone on the boil.

Problem with it was, I used crushed rather than cracked malt and because it was a 3 stage mash, it burned on the bottom of the maischfest. They don't like that and give an E4 error. I managed to get that off using the stirrer and have got it boiling. It's going to need a bloody good clean at the end!

How on earth I'm going to get it down to 17c this evening is anyone's guess - I've got the fridge lined up and might put it in a bath once I get it down to 30c. I do have a chest freezer, tbf, I could throw it in there for half an hour.

I've got to put the heater in the fridge actually whilst I remember. I'll go do that in a minute. I bought a 300w greenhouse heater - I'm guessing that's what you folks use with your inkbirds?
Today I've tried something a little different.
Doing a half sized batch of a no sparge, no boil & no chill golden ale. Aim is simplicity as doing this whilst working from home.

Nominal 12 litre batch. 1.75 MO, 250g caramalt, 50g flaked. 100g Harlequin - mash hop.
60 mins 69C then 10 mins 75C
CML five (as what is on hand available)
4kg Maris otter
10g Magnum
30g Boadicea
Chilled to 50C then left overnight intending to add yeast this morning.
However, it appeares to have started fermenting already.
Let's hope it won't be a nasty surprise in 2 weeks time.
Alas 🙁 it has failed my QA department.

Wife & youngest says it still tastes like beer, but it's not good enough for me.

I'll call it "Hipster sour". Maybe it will be taken to teenage parties.
Maybe after 6 months in the garden the elves will have transformed it...
30 litre batch of Belgian Wit today:
37% Extra pale
37% Wheat malt
19% Flaked wheat
5% Flaked oats
2.5% Acid malt

Hopped with Saphir & Amarillo to get some orangey vibes as my wife's citrus allergy means I won't be adding the real deal. Indian coriander & chamomile flowers as late additions should help in that area too.

As usual, I'll split into 20 & 10 litres batches. Both will be fermented with M21 Belgian Wit but the 20 litres is going to be dosed with a hibiscus & jasmine tea before kegging & the 10 litres will be dry hopped with El Dorado.

Gravity & pH numbers hit so far & halfway through the boil.
Yesterday I brewed an English IPA with Admiral and Challenger.
I did have a bag of whole Archer for late boil/hopstand/dry hop but they were unuseable, dried out and dusty.
So had to change the recipe half way through the boil, but I've used Admiral as the main hop in similar brews and really liked it so not a hard decision.

Admiral & Challenger English IPA 18L
batch #53 BIAB no sparge
24L total water
OG 1.056
FG 1.013
ABV 5.6%
IBU 50
EBC 19.7

Maris Otter pale 90.5%
Caramalt 6.5%
Dark Crystal 3%

Admiral 10gm 60mins
Challenger 25gm 30mins
Admiral 5gm 15mins
Challenger 15gm 80c hopstand 30mins
Admiral 10gm 80c hopstand 30mins

OG and volume as per recipe, pitched Verdant IPA yeast at 19c last night
and its chugging away now, a very vigorous fermenter I've found !
Did myself a bitter today - had intended doing a Landlord clone but the yeast didn't work out so did a different recipe and pitched Verdant. Not sure how that'll work but it seemed a better fit than Nottingham or S04 for what I wanted.
Trying out this FV for the first time too, not sure if the heat wrap will work on something like this but only one way to find out.

A one gallon batch of CML Grasscutter. One thing I’ve forgotten is how quick and easy 1 gallon batches are, it takes maybe ten minutes to heat up the mash water, and 10 minutes max to get the batch to the boil. And most importantly the clean up is so quick with me being able to wash the stock pot I use for small batches in the sink. Downside of course is you end up with only about four litres of beer.
Schwarzbier. First time I have tried to brew one.

72% Pilsner
16% Munich II
5% Caramunich
5% Carafa Special II
2% Melanoiden

OG 1.050

Hopped with Hallertauer Mittelfreuh

Fermented with Saflager S-189
Schwarzbier. First time I have tried to brew one.

72% Pilsner
16% Munich II
5% Caramunich
5% Carafa Special II
2% Melanoiden

OG 1.050

Hopped with Hallertauer Mittelfreuh

Fermented with Saflager S-189
This is similar to my planned brew this weekend, haven’t quite decided between it and Vienna. Not 100% sure I have a window to do it yet.