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Brewed Sunday, 36 litres of Poe's Boston Bitter, upped the ABV for this one to 1,042 so upped the IBU accordingly. Using the Juniors for fermenting allowing me to get both kegs into the cold crash refrigerator.
Mash out and none fermentables added.

A fair bit of weight on the all tread.

Fermentation well underway.

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Brewed Sunday, 36 litres of Poe's Boston Bitter, upped the ABV for this one to 1,042 so upped the IBU accordingly. Using the Juniors for fermenting allowing me to get both kegs into the cold crash refrigerator.
Mash out and none fermentables added.
View attachment 100860
A fair bit of weight on the all tread.View attachment 100861
Fermentation well underway.
View attachment 100862
View attachment 100863

I love watching the turmoil of fermentation. My next brew is going to be a split batch in two demijohns so I'll be able to admire it at work.
Experimental split batch inspired by the historical brewing techniques book I'm reading. 9 litre brew made with pale malt with herkules as a bittering addition and citra as flavour. Then split :-

4.5 litres with Lallemand Voss and
4.5 litres with fermipan bread yeast

Pitched at 30c and brewfridge set for 30c.

They're in Demis so I'm looking forward to seeing the action 😁.

First AG brew using tap water ashock1. Nearly relented to add salts to make it 'balanced' but resisted. Its Northumbrian water so it is like a bitter profile with a Cl to SO4 ratio of around 5.

(Next doors chicken assisted again, I think she can smell the mash :laugh8:)
I brewed a small sample batch on the stove top today another Bass recipe I came across (I doubt either will be accurate, a lost beer now) first time I have done a stove topper for years, 6.5 litres into the fermenter, just warming in the potting shed to pitching temperature.
View attachment 100888

Stove top is fun. And quick.
Experimental split batch inspired by the historical brewing techniques book I'm reading. 9 litre brew made with pale malt with herkules as a bittering addition and citra as flavour. Then split :-

4.5 litres with Lallemand Voss and
4.5 litres with fermipan bread yeast

Pitched at 30c and brewfridge set for 30c.

They're in Demis so I'm looking forward to seeing the action 😁.

First AG brew using tap water ashock1. Nearly relented to add salts to make it 'balanced' but resisted. Its Northumbrian water so it is like a bitter profile with a Cl to SO4 ratio of around 5.

(Next doors chicken assisted again, I think she can smell the mash :laugh8:)

Checked in to see how they were getting on 3 hours after pitching and they were both away ashock1. The bread yeast brew is on the right and its fizzing.

This morning you can see the krausen as peaked and dropped back overnight. And its now a lot paler.

I brewed an Allagash White recipe on Sunday.
The ingredients have been sitting for a while and my Wyeast forbidden fruit was out of date. I pitched it anyhow, but no sign of life after 2 days. So i pitched US05.
Not sure what it will end up like.
Checked in to see how they were getting on 3 hours after pitching and they were both away ashock1. The bread yeast brew is on the right and its fizzing.

This morning you can see the krausen as peaked and dropped back overnight. And its now a lot paler.

Interesting graph of the fermentation temperature profile (kinetics ?). The kveik and the fermipan bread yeast behaved exactly the same. Started the same, peaked at the nearly the same temp at the same time and finished fermenting at the same time. Not sure I was expecting them to mirror each other so exactly :-


They haven't cleared yet and there is still a small amount of activity so going to leave them for a day or two. Wondering if I should drop the temp a bit to encourage the yeast to drop out ? Not planning on crashing them as I'm going to bottle them.
A Bitter To Be Proud Of. Jamil Zainasheff

Tweaked this recipe a little.

OG 1,040 FG 1009 ABV 4.1 IBU 38.5 SRM 9.1 32 litres strike mash @ 64 C no sparge 23 litres in fermenter 2 litres set aside for starter.

4.3 kg Pale Ale Malt
0.200 kg Carrapils
0.120 kg light crystal
0.160 kg dark crystal

15 g Target Hops @ 60mins
15 g Challenger @ 10 mins
15 g Northern Brewer @ 10 mins
4kg Maris otter
10g Magnum
30g Boadicea
Chilled to 50C then left overnight intending to add yeast this morning.
However, it appeares to have started fermenting already.
Let's hope it won't be a nasty surprise in 2 weeks time.
Interesting graph of the fermentation temperature profile (kinetics ?). The kveik and the fermipan bread yeast behaved exactly the same. Started the same, peaked at the nearly the same temp at the same time and finished fermenting at the same time. Not sure I was expecting them to mirror each other so exactly :-

View attachment 100940

They haven't cleared yet and there is still a small amount of activity so going to leave them for a day or two. Wondering if I should drop the temp a bit to encourage the yeast to drop out ? Not planning on crashing them as I'm going to bottle them.

Bottled them both this afternoon. From an OG of 1.051 the kveik brew has gone down to 1.007 and the fermipan down to 1.008. Sampled them both, the kveik was OK but the fermipan was really nice. Wasn't sure what to expect but its one of the nicest pre-carbonation tastes I've had.

Looking forward to doing a proper taste test in a few weeks.
Bar the hiccup of leaving the grains in while ramping up to boil, fairly successful brew day yesterday.

4kg Maris Otter
300g Wheat Malt
200g Amber Malt
125g Light Crystal

Celeia through the boil with late / aroma additions of Cascade and Centennial.

First time using liquid yeast, Wyeast 1469, pitched last night. Still lacking proper temp control so it's taken up residence in the bath surrounded by cold water. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Motoring away nicely this morning at a shade over 20 degrees.
One warm day to get through here in Shropshire then I should be ok.